I can't sleep. So i'll talk about Christmas, New Years and a question! :3

I don't know why, but I can't sleep tonight. : I tried, but I just kept getting too hot. I dunno what was going on. So I decided I'll just continue working on a video I'm editing for Youtube. ^^

Question time!
So, like last Christmas, all I asked for was money. I'm more in need of money instead of items. It's not that my job is horrible; don't get me wrong, I fucking LOVE IT. I'm a bartender at a casino and I make some sexy ass large tips x3 Nah, I asked for money because it'll help me be able to go meet my friend in North Carolina for his birthday and to be able to pay everything of so I can see my girlfriend this summer. Also, I don't mind not getting items for Christmas lol. My parents give my items, regardless. So I went out with mom to get some new clothes. I got 3 new zip-up hoodies, a pair of high-top black Converse (was in desperate need of some more blacks), some decal shirts (I GOT A DOMO SHIRT! 8D), some jeans and some nice dress up shirts. Dad got me a new phone. *coughiPone4Gscough* (I needed an upgrade anyways) He insisted on getting me the 5, but I find it to be overpriced as of now. Most likely I wait 'til the 5Gs is out. C: Everyone else in my family gave me money. :3

New years was a drag, though. -3- I had to work . OH! OH! LEMME TELL YOU SOME SHIT FIRST!!! Ok! So a few weeks ago I went to Gamestop and bought myself a 3DS. That shit was preeeetty cool C: Until it decided to FALL OUT OF MY JACKET POCKET AT WORK! Dx Omg.... You don't know how freaking badly I was panicking when I got home. I literally searched ALL. INSIDE. of my car. I couldn't go back because I was low on fuel, the gas station was closed, cops were eyeballing me on my way home (Damn cops....), so there was nothing I could do. I texted my friend, who was still working at the time, to see if I left it in one of the bars. He checked, but found nothing. (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU--) So, I went the next day, before having to clock in, and retraced my steps. I checked EVERYWHERE that I walked outside.... EVERYWHERE.... From the entrance, to my car, and that's a fuck-load of walking. T^T Pretty big ass parking lot >:I I literally made myself 10 minutes late looking for this thing, and I was looking for a good 30 minutes. Ugh! I'm not worried about the 3DS, to be honest. I'm worried about what was INSIDE. .............It had my Pokemon: Black 2 in it... T.T I was SOOOOOO CLOSE to beating it. SO CLOSE! *cries in a corner* Sigh... I'm giving it a week before I call it quits. Maybe security picked it up or something. If I don't find it I'll go buy Black 2, again. I still have my DSi, so it's not that bad........ No, That's a lie. It IS bad. All my pokemon... All my badges.... All gone. TwT

Ok..... regain composure.... I'm good. ANYWAYS!!! As I was saying, Work was a drag. I had to work during New Years Eve. And it was on my OFF day! They were like "OKAY! EVERYONE THAT WORKS HERE! NNNFUVHNSYOUGOTTAWORKONNEWYEARSLIKETHEBITCHESYOUARE!! Man was I annoyed. Here I thought "Oh! Yay! I got New Years Eve off! :D I can go hang with friends or tlak to my girlfriend or blah blah blah GameGrumps :D But nope! I had to work. And what sucks was, I KNEW it would be soooooooo fucking dead. Seriously! PEOPLE AREN'T GOING TO BE GAMBLING!!! They're going to be partying, being with friends, family, watching fireworks, ET-FREAKING-C! I made like $32 inn tips that night. I make at least $50 - $80 a night! I wanted to punch my boss. =____= Luckily,I got Wednesday off for working Monday.

So! How was your Christmas and New Year? :3 What did you get and what was your New Year's Resolution? :D

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