The Different Types Of CBD Products You Should Try

When people talk about the one we call CBD, we tend to be curious as well. Although many of us are familiar with it, some of us aren’t sure about what it does or how it works. It’s easy to listen to the talk of the town, but have you done some research yourself? If we want to try something new like these products, it’s only normal to do a little study. That way, we’ll know its effects, how it works, and the different varieties it has.

What Is CBD?

You may have seen products like hemp oil in the market. Hemp is a plant from the Cannabaecae Family. We usually confuse Cannabis, Hemp, and Marijuana. Although they come from the same plant species, they’re entirely different plants, especially hemp and marijuana. Before we get right into that topic, let’s discover what CBD is.

In the cannabis plant species, they contain what we call cannabinoids. CBD is a cannabinoid known as cannabidiol. It’s a non-psychoactive compound, unlike some cannabinoids like THC. This one is known as tetrahydrocannabinol and is a psychoactive compound. I'm sure that some of us are already aware that it's the one that causes a high.

Cannabidiol, on the other hand, provides benefits that most of us find very helpful. This would be the reason why it became so popular all over the globe. There are several varieties you can find in the market, and you can check my source to find out. Not to mention that CBD comes in 3 main types. It's essential to learn the three versions it has, for it may help you in deciding which one to buy.

The Difference Between Hemp And Marijuana

Right before we discuss the three versions of cannabidiol, let's see the differences between the two. Hemp and marijuana are the two most popular species of cannabis. However, they're famous for different reasons. For one, marijuana contains more THC than any other plant species. While hemp is known for containing the most cannabidiol.

This explains why most manufacturers prefer to extract cannabidiol from hemp since it doesn’t contain much THC. Not to mention that they would benefit from this since, as I mentioned before, it contains more cannabidiol compared to other species. Moreover, most people are hoping to experience its health benefits without the effects of THC. You see, cannabidiol provides health benefits like pain relief, lowers blood pressure, reduces acne, and also helps with anxiety treatment.

The Three Types Of CBD

CBD Isolate

As the name states, the main compound is isolated from other cannabinoids when extracted. This type goes through processes that refine it making it the only compound that exists in a product. If you’re currently about to try out CBD, the isolated type is a good option since it’s pure and doesn’t contain other compounds. You’ll get to experience its benefits without worrying about the effects of THC. Although there are products that contain THC, like Full-spectrum.


This type contains all the cannabinoids in a cannabis plant, including THC. However, THC is safe as long as the amount isn't past 0.3%. The great thing about full-spectrum is because it creates an entourage effect to its users. Some people now prefer full-spectrum because of this effect. It enhances the health benefits because all the existing cannabinoids are working together to make it happen.


Broad-Spectrum happens to be a lot like full-spectrum. However, it doesn’t contain any tetrahydrocannabinol. Yes, it contains all the other cannabinoids in the plant, which makes the entourage effect possible. If you just don't like the idea of THC being in the products you use, you can go for broad-spectrum. That way, you can still experience the benefits and the entourage effect without worrying about THC at all.

The Benefits

Speaking of benefits, here are some of the most famous ones you can always find on the internet. By doing some further research, you’ll see how effective the products are and how many people it has helped.

● Anxiety

You can try taking capsules, drops, or gummies to help with your anxiety.

● Pain Relief

There are salves, massage oils, and balms that can be used to relieve pain.

● Lowers Blood Pressure

Same with anxiety treatment, you can try capsules and also CBD oil.

● Reduces Acne

Yes, it also has skin benefits. You can try lotions and facial creams for this problem.
