So I heard making characters are a bitch?

Hey and welcome back to café mew mew!

Do you ever want to make a specific character but every time you try it just wouldn’t come out right or the way you want it? Or the character always seem to create it self and leave you with someone else completely? Will you’re not alone and I get that all the time.

Currently I’m redesigning my mew blueberry Popsicle. I love her personality for the most part (got to take the quiet one clichés out), but her design is god awful now, her human and mew form. Every time I try to make her different it always falls flat and it’s extremely frustrating! I can’t even to look at her anymore not to mention redesigning her.

Now I know a lot of you are like “yeah that’s great but how do we deal with these characters from hell?” Well, I’m about to tell you! Some of the methods I use and some internet resources.

Assuming that you came this far down into the article you know that you have a character that’s more evil then the devil himself so I won’t ask the question “how do you know you have a hells angel for a character?”

Moving on to the next step, how do you remedy this disease? Well, there are a few ways that I think are good methods while other artists have theirs. There’s nothing wrong with experimenting! Here are some of mine! :0

1. Dissect the mother tucker! Take all the traits out that you like and dislike (personality traits, clothing, etc). Throw away the bad parts or save them for the next victim and throw in all the traits that you want the character to have. See if your new baby is able to come home if not try try again or go down to number two!

2. Get inspiration for the character that you want to create! Go and hop over to your favorite artist’s site or characters and get a feel for the character you want to create. Reimaging what you have into that you want and don’t hold back. If you end up drawing a different character competently then let it be for now. Limiting your creativity I thinks hurts you in this method. If you want alter that new character to fit the traits of the old one. Just mix and match and see what you get and don’t get stressed over it and just have fun. If you do just do something else and leave the character for the day. (or a century if want to be like me har har)

3. The last one is like the 1st one but more in-depth but very useful when making characters from stretch! It’s pretty much like starting anew but saving the best traits that you the character to have. Make a super detailed bio or grab a template from the internet (I have a link to one down below) and basically fill it in as much as you want. To what the eyes look like to what he/she will do in a zombie outbreak attack. This a great method because you have more control over what your character will be like since your listing all of his/her traits one by one. Rather then simply drawing the character and letting you’re the character create it self.

If you still unsatisfied just kill the character and move on! :D (funeral services are not necessary in this case)

So that’s my methods if you have your own post them up for everyone to see. There is more then one way to skin a cat and the same goes for remaking characters! To help aid people who have trouble with making them here are some resources.

This one is really good because you can use the bio for your own and there is a list of personality traits that you can use for your character, a double whammy! The bio is not the most detailed I’ve seen but just enough to flesh out your character easily.

One of the best Tutorials on making a character. It got tips that you will surely use for life!

Okay, that’s it for now! This was going to be one of those short but sweet posts but I wanted to do something more big! I hope everyone got a least one thing that will help improve in some way ha-ha, because that’s what this club is all about! If you got a some ideas or anything you want to share post them so everyone can see! And if you’re not a guest poster comment or PM and I’ll make you one!

And if anyone got any good ideas for my poor mew blueberry Popsicle throw them at me, I’m open for ANYTHING D:. And if anyone needs help with anything with their character and wants my help I’m more then happy too! Just post them up, comment or PM me whatever floats the boat. :3

Thanks for reading! Show me want you got and I’ll see you next time! Mew Torte over and out!
