Got instrument?

Hey everyone!

Before I start I just want to say sorry for the lack of updates and whatnot. I’m suppose to a least post every once and a while but I got super lazy! D:

Also I haven’t seen any posting of anyone’s mews either. You can post anything mew related even if your just asking for help. Don’t be shy; just post something so this place won’t look so lonely! :3

So getting to the point to this post, when I was working on my mew red wine. I wanted to give her an instrument that made a spooky/weird sound. The normal instruments that I knew of didn’t make those kinds of sounds so I had to search myself! So after confining in Google about my musical drama, I finally found a site with just strange and self made instruments! You can find totally different and original instruments for your mew here. Its also fun just looking at everything like your in a museum or these days an E-museum :0.

Here’s the link to the webby and have fun and start posting some awesome ideas!

Oh yeah, I call dibs on the guitar/harp hybrid >:|

Oh, yeah again, if I didn’t make you a guest poster or want to join just comment down below :0.

And once again…
