Pfft...Romantic Stuff...



You know when you muster up as much courage as you possibly could to do something outrageous that no one would expect you to do? But then once you get all that confidence and plan to do something with just dies? Well that happened to me a few nights ago TTATT

Maxie and I had arrived at Floarama Town a few nights ago and we had a lot of fun. We even went to the Floarama Meadow, which was quite relaxing and beautiful.and quite romantic if you were with that someone special

Well after we had gotten everything settled at the Pokemon Center, Maxie had decided to go out somewhere. So I thought it was the perfect chance to do something romantic nice. After gathering up all this confidence, I had prepared a simple picnic and a bouquet of Azalea flowers for him. Thinking it was the perfect spot for such an event, I decided to set everything up in the Floarama Meadow. As I was nearing the spot, I saw Maxie. I quickly dove into the nearest bush and hide from him. I don't know what it was but as soon as I saw him, all my courage just...withered away >//< so instead I just went back to the Pokemon Center and sulked...and of course Maxie walks in...I hope he didn't notice...

Maybe I wasn't cut out for all this romantic stuff...*sigh* sorry for being such a coward..... >/////<
