I Hate The Beach


I hate it more than anything. It's so...sandy...and boring...and the ocean's right there...

But why am I bringing up my hatred of the beach? Well, there's a small beach right outside Sandgem Town, and of course, Archie and Mars made me go...But I REFUSED to dress for the beach. I sat there on a dinky lounge chair in my jeans and sweatshirt and read. Archie got annoyed with me, sure, but I think it was worth it. And it wasn't too hot, so I was fine temperature-wise.

Archie threatened to throw me into the ocean if I didn't actively participate in the beach. So I took a nearby Frisbee and threw it at his head. Positive interactions. Gotta love 'em.

Somehow, I managed to survive without getting tossed into the ocean or anything like that. We ate dinner at a cute little restaurant. I was absolutely famished...and Archie started making fun of me for eating so much -_- I told him that I'd stop eating and faint on him if he wanted, and he immediately got all defensive and said that wasn't what he meant. It was kinda cute, seeing him all flustered like that...It's things like that that make me think he might actually care about me. I dunno.

Going to Lake Verity tomorrow. Mars is incredibly excited. I hope she gets to see Mesprit again; I think it would make her really happy. Can't say I'm looking forward to much past that...it's just another lake, with more water. Hooray.
