A New Friend...?


Well, we arrived in Canalave City somewhat early this morning. Archie wanted to go on all the boat rides and everything, but I kinda refused...I told him and Mars to go without me, though. I'm assuming they did...I spent most of my day at the famous library, mostly because it had nothing to do with water. I was reading up on a lot of Sinnoh lore, especially on Mt. Coronet. I didn't realize how interesting and detailed Sinnoh mythology is...It's even more detailed than what we have in Hoenn!

Sometime in the afternoon, a man with spiky blue hair came in and started looking at the same books I was looking at. Eventually we ended up having one of those awkward moments when we both reached for the same book. That's when we kinda started talking to each other. The man was just a little younger than me, but I could tell that he was an absolute genius by the way he was talking. He said something about not finding very many people interested in mythology and began to tell me all this really cool stuff that I didn't actually read in the books. For example, he started telling me about the Distortion World - I heard Mars mention the name a few times, but usually in disgust so I never really questioned it... But apparently the Distortion World is where Giratina, controller of antimatter, lives...The man also started talking to me about the roles of Darkrai and Cresselia, who are said to live on the islands nearby. Finally I got around to asking his name, and he told me it was Cyrus.

Of course, I nearly facepalmed. OF COURSE IT WAS CYRUS. Mars had told me what he looked like! I must have just forgotten or something...But anyway, I introduced myself as Mars's cousin, and then we got to talking more, and we shared stories about our respective teams, and so on. I have to say, Cyrus was quite interesting to talk to. Mars had said he was kinda aloof...maybe if I hadn't been reading mythology, he would have been more so? I could tell he wasn't the most social of people, but he really was passionate about the mythology, and he had nothing but good things to say about Mars, too. All in all, he seems like a pretty nice guy. It was nice to have met him.

It was late by the time we left the library. Cyrus said he was going back to Eterna and asked me to give Mars his regards. We're hoping to see each other again when we pass back through Eterna. I think I've actually made a friend, guys!! :D

I met up with Mars and Archie at the Pokemon Center. Mars was altogether shocked that I had met Cyrus, and even more shocked that he had talked to me. Archie and Mars had gone on a few boat rides and spent the rest of the day going to different shops and some sushi bars, apparently. But they didn't visit any of the islands, which means we have to stay here for another day, joy. Honestly, though, after talking to Cyrus, I'm kinda interested in seeing the Full Moon and New Moon Islands. Perhaps I'll see the legendary Pokemon? Ha.

Archie seemed a little sullen when I was talking to him...Maybe he was just tired? He's probably been through a lot lately, what with all the bus trips and delays and then me fainting and the thunderstorm... I hope it's just exhaustion ^^;

Big day on the water tomorrow...better prepare myself -_-
