Mother's Day Fun...?


Another delay...I apologize profusely. (bows head)

Friday, we spent half the day on the road to Hearthome City. We didn't do much when we got there except watch a contest. It's done a little differently in Sinnoh than it is in Hoenn...contestants actually dress their Pokemon up! It's pretty weird seeing Pokemon go on in top hats and everything...

Yesterday morning we visited the chapel in Hearthome. It was absolutely beautiful. Now, I'm not an Arceuist, and neither is Mars and I don't think Archie is either, but Arceuists and Mewists are usually very accepting of each other, and everyone in the chapel welcomed us to pray to whichever god we wanted to. It's nice to see such acceptance and welcoming.

We got on a bus to Oreburgh in the afternoon--we'll be coming back to Hearthome probably on Tuesday, but Mars wanted to go home for Mother's Day. We arrived rather late, but not late enough that I didn't stay up and catch up with Roark and Aunt Theresa for a bit--Uncle Byron was still in Canalave until this morning.

Mother's Day was very nice today. I'd picked up some flowers for Aunt Theresa. Mars and Roark gave her their presents, and then we had a sort of barbeque. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to do things with my family... Archie had a lot of fun, at least I think so; it was almost as if he was part of the family. My aunt took an immediate liking to him. She also asked me if we were dating...DO WE LOOK LIKE WE'RE DATING?! >///< Archie video-called his mom at some point this afternoon though: he pulled me over to the computer to say hello. It's been such a long time since I talked to Mrs. Santiago; she really is such a sweetheart. She's looking good too, a lot brighter than you'd expect. Archie looked so happy when he talked to her... It makes me almost miss my parents...Almost...More like, the concept of actually having a mother...but still...

Uncle Byron has to go back to his gym tomorrow, but Aunt Theresa and Mars will be showing us around Oreburgh tomorrow, as will Roark when he's done at his gym. I'm rather excited; it's nice to be with family. I'm glad we were able to see them.

((OOC: Headcanon alert: Theresa is Maxie's mother's sister. She also has red hair. She married Byron, gym leader of Canalave, and her children are Roark, gym leader of Oreburgh, and Mars, though Mars is a long story. Theresa is completely my own creation. I'm sorry for not posting again...I knew I wasn't going to post Friday because I had a con, but I just completely forgot yesterday <.< >.> I'll get better about posting, I swear!!))
