Raffles Hate Me


I decided to go to a fund-raising raffle tonight because I was bored to do some recon around Verdanturf Town. It was...interesting, to say the least...

I get there, and who else is there, but that stupid Wailord, who somehow convinced me to sit next to him throughout the whole entire night. So him talking to me all the time was annoying, but what was even more annoying was that every single time there was a prize I wanted, he won it!

The thing I wanted most, though, was this giant set of teas. I love tea, but no one else in the base drinks it, so I don't buy it all that often. And this set of teas had every single flavor imaginable. I put in a good thousand Pokedollars for that tea. I was almost certain I would win it. Unfortunately, I did not.

Guess who did? (eye twitch)

I did, however, win a set of sudoku books (and will now be up all night doing sudoku) as well as a basket of hair care products..., so the night wasn't a total loss, I guess... Still, seeing Archie walk out with all those prizes and my tea...

Well I'm off to do sudoku nonstop sleep.
