Pile-of-Logs Town


Well, the island hopping has begun. Mars and I set out from Slateport towards Pacifidlog Town or, as I call it, Pile-of-Logs Town. I'll talk more on that later. However, first I must comment on the absolutely abysmal boat ride over. We had to ride against the current, so the turbulence or whatever you call it for boats was terrible. I was almost sick. While Mars was up on deck battling people with Casper, I stayed in my room and slept, or tried to, at least.

Then we arrived at Pile-of-Logs. The island, if you could call it that, is completely man-made. The houses float in the ocean, and the only way to traverse between them are LOGS. TETHERED-TOGETHER LOGS. And the logs sink into the ocean a bit when you walk on them...ugh... (shudders) I felt incredibly unsafe trying to get from place to place.

Mars, of course, ran around like a crazy person, talking to everyone, having the time of her life. I really don't see the value of going to this island, but she had fun, so I guess it's okay...However, my boots are covered in seawater, and I almost fell into the ocean once or twice...Our boat leaves early tomorrow morning, so we're staying at the Pile-Of-Logs Pokemon Center for the night. I just hope the whole Pokemon Center doesn't sink into the ocean while I'm sleeping...

Part of me thinks we should have started at Mossdeep City, but then again, there are certain individuals I'd rather not take my chances with until I'm semi-prepared....But it would have spared me that incredibly bumpy boat ride...We're going to Sootopolis City tomorrow, and Mossdeep on Monday. Oh, Sootopolis. I get to go in a submarine, joy. A tight, enclosed space underwater. I'm doomed.

Well, I'm going to sleep. I'll need some energy to survive tomorrow....
