

Courtney sang me this...unusual song today...Mars joined in...They call it "Friday" by Rebecca Black. I believe my ears started bleeding. Tabitha wanted to show me the official version; fortunately I managed to escape in time. What the hell are kids listening to these days?

Courtney and Tabitha tagged along with Mars and me today when we went to Verdanturf Town. We all taught Mars how to make Pokeblocks. She said she would teach us to make Poffins eventually. Casper, Mar's newest Pokemon, got to be the guinea pig for the Pokeblocks. Well, he's not dead...

Mars wants to go to the islands of Hoenn, starting tomorrow. I promised her we would, but to be honest, I'm a bit nervous. I never like traveling on water, but I can't fly over water, either, so we have to take a boat. So I'm going to be spending prolonged periods of time on a ship probably locked in my room, and then there's the whole islands themselves--Pacifilog scares me because it's legitimately a bunch of logs tied together, Sootopolis scares me because you have to go underwater to get there, Mossdeep scares me because I'm pretty sure Archie lives there..., it's just problems all around. And we're spending a day at each island--Mars is actually staying until Wednesday, so that gives us an extra day when we get back.

I just hope this island thing goes smoothly...
