Like Tourism, But With More Violence


Mars and I spent all of yesterday in Lilycove, so that's why I didn't write a blog post yesterday. Mars couldn't get enough of the department store. I don't understand why girls love shopping so much...She bought quite a few things that I ended up carrying...We also saw and possibly purchased a Wailord plush... Then we went to see a Pokemon contest--the things always bored me, but Mars has always been interested. Apparently the contests in Sinnoh work differently. Mars told me she liked Hoenn's system better.

Anyway, we spent the night at a small inn in Lilycove, then today made our way back to the base via Fortree City. Mars was very intrigued by the treehouses. She told me she always wanted to live in a treehouse. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable knowing that I was sleeping suspended twenty feet in the air...

We also visited the Weather Center, and Mars seemed to make friends with a Castform. It's been following us around now...She calls it Casper. How cute.

We ate dinner at home tonight. Mars seems to be getting along swimmingly with the admins. Tabitha recently asked me why I couldn't be as "cool" as my cousin. Stupid kid...

No more incidents with Archie, though. Maybe we can keep it that way until Mars leaves next Tuesday, at least?
