I Hate Everyone


I'm trying to find words to express my feelings towards certain parties (glares in Archie's direction) in a polite and controlled manner....It's not working...

I've learned an important lesson. Never, ever, EVER stand within ten feet of a large body of water. You WILL get pushed in. I almost drowned! I completely froze when I hit the water. I am so incredibly scared of the ocean...dammit... I'm not sure whether or not I should be thankful that stupid Wailord pulled me back onto shore...Hmph. Maybe next time I'll push him into a volcano, see how much HE likes it...

Then the stupid Wailord gave me a Skitty doll! Why?! I don't want a Skitty doll, and especially not from HIM! I think it was meant to be condescending or something. I think I'll return it...or perhaps I'll send him an oversized Wailord plushie as a "thank you" gift...Stupid doll. I do not appreciate it in the slightest! Even if it is incredibly soft and fluffy...

Well, anyway, the stupid Wailord left me there, absolutely soaked, and then, wouldn't you know it, Mars's ship arrived, and there I was drenched in salt water. It took a lot of explaining, mind you...as did the Skitty doll...I don't think Mars is going to let me live this down...

Long story short, we got home, I took a quick shower, and then Mars and I went out for dinner in Rustboro, which was thankfully uneventful, except for her constantly pestering me about Archie. I'm sensing a theme for this visit...

I also think I'm catching a bit of a cold...I'm going to bed now to hopefully sleep it off...damn Wailord...
