-insert title here-

Muziq: Cherub Rock- The Smashing Pumpkins [<3]
Time: 6:40pm

GEEZ, I submitted lotz o' stuffz from lass night till now :3
[and if you haven't commented then GO COMMENT ALREADY, MAH LIFE DEPENDS ON ITT]
[but for all those who have commented, you are love :'D]

Anyhoo, I just had some Subways, muy delicioso =d
Nothing super interesting happened today though, my Saturday was boring as usual .___x
And I was being a lil emo child lass night, started crying for no apparent reason. So I listened to old CDs in bed till I couldn't stay awake any longer. I was normal again after a lil while of sleeping though [my dog eventually woke me up to use the bathroom at like, 1 a.m. ~____~]

Soooo, this new outlet [Tanger Outlet] opened up around my town, it's about a half hour walk from my house. Pretty much everyone's been there 'cept me v__v. And Jordin Sparks was there signing autographs yesterday. Err, I dun really care too much for her but still.. it would have be cool to get an autograph. Ha~ this girl Lauren spread a rumour that Chris Brown would be there as well, about half of my grade actually believed it x__X

I had some art that I wanted to ink 'n colour this weekend but I just realized they need some fixin. The faces are all outa porportion 'n such ;__; So I felt discouraged and ended up not touching my sketchbook all day.

I be done

Me 'n Pa-Pura Karasu were doodling and passing notes on a piece of paper during Spanish. When the conversation got dead we'd write somethin random; I drew a naked chibi .__.; He's got a lil leaf for coverage tho >>;

EDIT: tiz 9:37pm, mah eyes hurt from the screen @____X so have a g'nite peepz!
