[styooooopid title, I SHALL RULE J000]

Time: 7:47pm

bleh, I'm gettin off to do my homework after this. I fell asleep last night while reading my S.S. textbook, not coz it was boring but HW juss puts me to sleep ~___~.
grrrr, hate it...

Skoolz been good, well... it's been interesting, good for the most part though. Oh! I was obsessing over this one dude the other day [his name's Kenny. And to those that go to my skool 'n may be reading this: nooo, not that Kenny x__X -dies-], he was on my bus in middle school, brought goood times XD. So I was walking up the steps to math and he happened to take the same route that day, he was wearing all black 'n looked naaaacce *w* It was kinda weird coz we were the only ones on the steps 'n it was pretty silent. When I finally reached the top, the door was jammed .___. Well, it wasn't really jammed [juss a lil stuck..], I just turned kinda n00bish and forgot how to open it properly >.> He laughed 'n opened for me. Hate when stuff like that happens coz I end up smiling for like, two periods straight >__. My overly huge and stupid smile/grin: XD X]

*sigh* we still haven't fixed the whole, 'anime club's cancelled' situation...

*thinks* I guess there's more to write about but I'm sure I've bored you guys with that [semi-]fangirlish paragraph above =]
And I should really go do that homework >x<

If you haven't checked these out already then please do :3
Thanx to those who've commented ^___^

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G'night all! ^__^
