I've been re-tagged by Shadow 'n Imouto

@___@ here goes:

1. My fingers look like long skinny witch fingers !____!
2. one of my favourite anime is Azumanga Daioh
3. My doctor says I have slight scoliosis [how do u spell that?] in meh back
4. I LOVE video games but can only beat some...
5. I'm 5ft 5" like 5 1/2"
6. I secretly really miss my Dad but still think he's a jerk. Kinda. -ish.
7. Sometimes I think about my dreams from a long time ago and aren't sure if they were real life or not
8. My roots trace back to India and I'm not sure of anything further back. But my family's pretty mixed

I tag no one!
This pattern of re-tagging shall end now.

