[[ [ Hello<3stoppah. ] ]]

To burp out loud is to belch sort of unexpectedly, as if to slip sort of spontaneously, and--despite the custom "oops" that follows--with a bit of necessity. It's a self-satisfying gesture, at times executed with a complex mix of bewilderment, rage, affection, or fulfillment. In spite of one's earnest efforts, some ring more obnoxiously than others--with no intention of offense. In such instances, it is expected that those guests sitting wide eyed across from the bum act with the similar, and understand burping as a natural process to fun understanding. Feel free to set fire to any falsely assumed restrictions. Burp as if you were born free; set your feet upon the dinner table and let loose a button or two.

--Shi Bum Bumm

(formerly: xX9.tailed:NekoXx)

offline in 5min.

I'm signing out in about 5min. or when I'm done writing this. Goin out for a bit.
Of course I'll be back on as soon as I return home o____o. Like I have been for the past... I dunno... [the days mush together in the summer. I have no idea of dates and time without my calander x__X] And as The Shadow Prince so bluntly stated, I am not pathetic. I have a pathetic Lifestyle .____. coz dat makes me feel so0ooo much better :P tiz true tho.


I apologize for any stupid typos [and spelling mistakes .__.] I don't have the time to read over my post. Gotz to go nowwwww~!!

so hurtful, yet I couldn't help but laff when I first saw it v__v


The Return

Furry-Chibi has returned from her 3 [4?] day trip to Washington D.C. for Marching Band. She got home at like 12:30am and called me at 1:00am. So now she's catching up on rest and will make a post tomorrow ^______^

speaking of calling people...

I don't like Billy and Mandy, but I can't help but laff

Now about me... Welp, I haven't slept for more than 1/2 hours for two days going on 3. And I'm craving left over Chinese Food in my fridge [2:17am].

For the sake of being random [which is usually saved for my other world...]:

I just love the way the it's writtin. His power is Maximum. He trumps stupid Danny Phantom.


Lotz 0' Stuffz

I've submitted my entry for Kachikamac's contest. Check it out plz But most important, MAKE A COMMENT ^-^

-My Zodiac-

External Image

yah, I like it a lot, worked on it a lot ^___^

I found another contest and decided to join that one as well ^^, it was created by narutoKHfighter.

If you've got anythin' interesting goin on in life right now, then comment bout it ^___^ ..cause I really have no life >____>. I stayed up all night listening to music, photoshopping, surfing the internet and submitting something. ...and hitting the refresh button in my background over AND OVER AGAIN *dies*
I tried Adam's flash game. I'm still tryin to win [I SHALL PERSERVERE!!!] Here are my scores so far:

1:30am- 172 cloud bits
1:32am-72 *after losing like 5 games already*
1:37am-72 x__X
1:39am- 184 [YESSSSSS, meh highest score!!]
1:40am- 137 [noooooo~ ;___;]
1:41am- 93 [crap]
1:42am- 142?
1:44am- 156
1:45am- 122
1:46am- 85
1:48am- 184 [he just kept getting smaller n smaller *sniff* I had just reached the hills too..]
1:49am- 139
1:51am- 134
1:52am- 104
taking a break
2:00am- 72 […]
longer break
4:01am- 120 [@__@ I tried]
6:51am- 357 [O.O]
6:54am- 206
6:565am- 257
6:58am- 257 [again?? @__@]
11:44am- 173
11:45am- 105
11:48am- 196
11:49am- 179

so0oooo0ooo... nuthin else right?

I'm such a loser...


allz done 'n go0d

I'm all done with Kachi's Contest picture ^-^. It's coloured 'n beautiful[hopefully ^___o].

I'll be able to make your 3 CDs MUTO like... tonight or tomorrow and will try getting it to ya wheneverrrrr ^.^

OH-EM-GEEEE I'm such a bad cuzin v__v. I promised Shinobi 1995 that I'd scan his two fanarts for him. ....of course I didn't, right? i'll definetely do it today *nails "scan-fanart" note onto brain* I PROMISE J0OOOOO0OOO!!!

so yeah, tiz all relle. Oh Yea! Furry-Chibi's still in Washington D.C., she called me from izioy7's cell when she was on the bus with the band and hasn't since. Ya know what dat means? SHE'S HAVIN FUN AND DUZN'T MISS US AT ALLL! Tiz okay cuz I got to listen to muziq 'n watch TV like the Chowder marathon all day without her calling [not say'n that I hate when she callz ^^;;;].


nuthin new...not really :/

Furry-Chibi just called meh. bleh... >__> She's bragging about how much faster she can take a shower than me. [like I care]. and SHE'S STILL TALKIN BOUT IT, lyke: "I can take a shower in 10min, you gotta admitt I'm faster than you".
I KILL JOO CHIIBZ jk jk! [nawt relle]

anywaz, I gotz my report card, pretty goood ^___^. 'n I'm workin on Kachi's Contest picture.

NEWS JUST IN: Chibi got a nailfiler that's straeberry sented. o_O;

tiz all, since I have nothing to talk about ^__~

0ooOHhhh YEAAaaaaaa~
