[[ [ Hello<3stoppah. ] ]]

To burp out loud is to belch sort of unexpectedly, as if to slip sort of spontaneously, and--despite the custom "oops" that follows--with a bit of necessity. It's a self-satisfying gesture, at times executed with a complex mix of bewilderment, rage, affection, or fulfillment. In spite of one's earnest efforts, some ring more obnoxiously than others--with no intention of offense. In such instances, it is expected that those guests sitting wide eyed across from the bum act with the similar, and understand burping as a natural process to fun understanding. Feel free to set fire to any falsely assumed restrictions. Burp as if you were born free; set your feet upon the dinner table and let loose a button or two.

--Shi Bum Bumm

(formerly: xX9.tailed:NekoXx)

*bleh bleh bleh*

I'm bored :P
gonna go grab a snack or sumthin.
Workin on two pics.

This one's been blurred, tiz a suprise ^____~:

This one's for yet another contest, ands I'm using a reference:

UPDATE: just so pplz know, I gotta get off the comp round 2:00pm today 'n tomorrow. I'll try gettin back on at nite.



I'm glad I got so many comments on my otaku addiction ecard and sora pic X]
THANX 2 YA ALLLLL *hugz joo alll!*

Now that's what I'm talkin 'bout! I get happ-eh when I see 4 new comments :3 12 makes meh SUPERRRRRRRR~
and you guys really know how ta fill up my updates box... in like a DAY it's filled o_0




Starting to make e-card again :)
Check it out

External Image



signin' off
well, soon...
g'nite in advance to everybodyyyyyyyyy :]
except chiibz. I don' like her >.>
She probably won't even read this v__v
and as Erik sayz: "FAIL!!!"

yah, I'll stop talking now


narutoKHfighter's contest: Entry near COMPLETION!!

First, there was a sketch:

Then, there was colour:

And finally, COMPLETEION [here's the original]:


Now it shall be cropped 'n such. Then submitted.
