[[ [ Hello<3stoppah. ] ]]

To burp out loud is to belch sort of unexpectedly, as if to slip sort of spontaneously, and--despite the custom "oops" that follows--with a bit of necessity. It's a self-satisfying gesture, at times executed with a complex mix of bewilderment, rage, affection, or fulfillment. In spite of one's earnest efforts, some ring more obnoxiously than others--with no intention of offense. In such instances, it is expected that those guests sitting wide eyed across from the bum act with the similar, and understand burping as a natural process to fun understanding. Feel free to set fire to any falsely assumed restrictions. Burp as if you were born free; set your feet upon the dinner table and let loose a button or two.

--Shi Bum Bumm

(formerly: xX9.tailed:NekoXx)


Muziq: Those Gurlz- Snoop Dogg
Time: 8:54pm

I've had the songs Mr. Carter by Lil Wayne ft Jay-Z and Jokin Jayz by Jay-Z in my head for 'bout 3 days. I. LUV. 'EM >0< XD *singz*

But, erm, yeah... I feel like poo~ for not commenting ;_; I check in once in a while and see my whole update list full but can't take the time out to comment or answer PMs DX But NOooo~ WORRIEEZZZ--- I shall get to you peepz soon ^___- [i hope T^T]

I'm currently workin on a power point for S.S.. Tomorrow will be our third and final day to work on it in class but since I'm incapable [x__X] of finishing things like this in school I took it home to work on ittt.
And I've got an in-class essay in English. I hate doing essays in class, I can NEVER think of anything and we get no extra time. I procrastinate at home sometimez but I'll still get the work done. So we had half a period to start it today and a full period tomorrow. It's a Critical Lense essay, the task is to interpret the givin quote and proove it true/false with the two books we read. We have to include literary elements and summeries and follow this long outline and BLAH~! >.< I wish we could do it @ home ;_____;

ummmmm, yeah~ I should get back to my homework. ya knowwww~ that pile o' work that governs my life now XD

*pats emo child on head* XD

EDIT: I decided to post these pic I took the other dayyy~:

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That's Lady trying to bite her bone from her bed... I dunno why she didn't juss come out, grab the bone, and bring it to her bed to eat... .____.; I eventually gave it to her, she must've been too lazy ~____~ mhmm...


Time: 6:24am

I got booted off the comp almost as soon as I made that post yesterday...
So I just submitted this:

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CLICK 'nd wish her a happeh bday :]

Sorry TFL T^T

yup, I'll try catchin up on stuffz [contests, updates and comments]

oh shoot, I'ma be late if I dun get off now XD

*hugs computer*

Muziq: Watching Natural Geographic: Survivorman
Time: 11:39am

I wasn't on all yesterday XP I went with my Mom to a Dodge Car-Buying Place. The Dodge that she might buy is supah shweeeeeet but I'm gonna feel bad everytime I get in it [if she does buy it *shrugz*], it's not exactly environmentally friendly and I'm a super Going Green/Global Warming freak Xo

*Checks Calender*
OH-JE3BUSJ00BERZ, it's TwoFacedLullaby's birthday!!!!!1 I gotta make somethin for her today! *opens photoshop*

hmmmm, what else, what else?
Well, in response to Japan.Freak's comment:
YEASH! I lurvvvz to eat XD Food = Friend :333
And I've officially handed in my essay on Nostradamus ^____^ That was a huge weight lifted off my shoulder... It's all typed, perdy, and complete ^-^

And speaking of Global Warming in the 1st para., I might make a world about Going Green and stuffz. It's something I'm really passionate about.
I'll go tend to my Update box now ^^


@skool, comp. class...
I finished my essay but I've yet to complete the bibliography 'nd endnotes XP Now I gotta sacrifice my lunch period to do it ;__; *is sad...*

umm, yeahh~
I hate skippin lunch >__<

Bruce Gary and John Cruz

Just got home a lil while ago ‘nd I'm watching "Trade Center" on the History Channel now. Today is of course the horrible anniversary of the worst attack on US soil, the attack on the World Trade Center. Saying that I feel bad about this day and it's victims wouldn't be enough, but I don't know how to put it. I remember that day too, a bunch of kids were taken out of school early. When I finally got home I heard my Mom watching the news as I walked down the steps.
Anyhoo, we stood for a moment of silence during homeroom and listened to a beautiful poem about American unity from over the loud speaker. I didn't feel like we did enough though, after homeroom I didn’t hear much else about it... But since last year, our school started a tradition, giving out a little paper to all the students in the building with a victims name printed on it. Last year I got Bruce Gary, 51 yrs, from Bellmore N.Y. and this year I received the name John Robert Cruz. I dunno, reading those names, it really tore me up inside…
It's something I won't ever forget, something that no one should. Not because it's an American tragedy, but because it's an event that truly effected the way we as a people live in the world today. Kinda reminds me of Katrina, they’re events that brought people together, not to mention the pain felt...
I hate this, I hate that these things happen, overseas or close to home, it really hurts and only increases the prejudices and evils embedded in society.
God bless the victims of 9/ll and God bless you all~

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Ummm, I’m gonna finish my essay now, [I have to this time, it’s due tomorrowwww]