[[ [ Hello<3stoppah. ] ]]

To burp out loud is to belch sort of unexpectedly, as if to slip sort of spontaneously, and--despite the custom "oops" that follows--with a bit of necessity. It's a self-satisfying gesture, at times executed with a complex mix of bewilderment, rage, affection, or fulfillment. In spite of one's earnest efforts, some ring more obnoxiously than others--with no intention of offense. In such instances, it is expected that those guests sitting wide eyed across from the bum act with the similar, and understand burping as a natural process to fun understanding. Feel free to set fire to any falsely assumed restrictions. Burp as if you were born free; set your feet upon the dinner table and let loose a button or two.

--Shi Bum Bumm

(formerly: xX9.tailed:NekoXx)

Oh Joyous World [it really is. in every sarcastic way possible.]

Muziq: Don't Fear The Reaper- Blue Oyster Cult [luv this song like craz >.<]
Time: 11:05am

[Off from school today coz of Yom Kippur :3]
Feels like I haven't made a post in foreverness .____.

Well, school sucked yesterday, overall it just wasn't a good day. And I think I'm grounded >>.<<

I'm kinda afraid of going to sleep at night. I had a terrifying dream last night and another last week. They both started out fine but as they progressed, I realized it was a nightmare. The dreams were completely different but had the same theme, my death. When death becomes inevitable, like I know I'm about to die, I wake up. So I looked up the meaning of death in dreams:

Meaning of dreams and dreaming about death
When we dream of death, our emotions run high. Feelings of terror, anxiety or even liberation can dominate our mood upon waking. As with any other type of dream, there is no one answer for what the dream means. Generally speaking, however, dreams about death signify much needed change in our lives. Such dreams typically herald symbolic rather than literal death. In this way, death dreams let us know that some part of the self needs to be radically reworked, whether it be one's attitudes, emotions, or relationships.

Besides those two, I've only had one other dream that I die in. I started to cry evertime I thought about it... and it's the same with these >.<
[oh wait, I think I might've had a couple more]

But anyhoo, I'll try 'n fix that. Somehow. Otherwise I'll continue to wake up petrified every morning.


I'm really happy bout how my walls came out ^__^

Here's my first wallie:
External Image

Now compared to one of my latest walls [and favourite :3]:
External Image

Yeah, my first sucks XD

Ya know what else sucks? My sophmore class t-shirtz/homecoming float theme/banner.
I'll remember to go to next years class meetings for now on >3<

And I might make a quiz :] Me 'n my aunt were talkin anime talk yesterday and O'ma help her make a quiz for theO [she'z got an account]. So when we're done with hers, I'll hopefully make one ^^.

Lastly, I made a Happy birthday card for Naruto. I might submit it later even though it'd be a day early, juss incase I'm grounded.

hmmm--- hope I didn't just bore everone to sleep with this long post ._____.

Cya guyz, have a cool day :]

I made this lass week along with my current avie

Shwawawa~ wa- wa- wa- wa Wa-wa- wa-WA~~

Muziq: Wathing TV
Time: 9:20pm

Um, dun pay attention to that title ^^

I gotta get off but I thought I should make a post x.x

All I did this weekend was make wallpapers/e-cards and do homework. I'm such a loser >.<

But I've got 5 more wallies to post :D And I'm sup-ah proud of 'em. They've all got an explosion of brushes and I used TFL's Vintage technique on 2 of 'em [plus, the Sora ones I submitted yesterday]. Well, technically all five of 'em :3 but I wasn't going for the particular "vintage feel" in the other 3. But w/e, that's all I'll say for now.

G'nite everyone :]

*runs to comp.--- trips along the way*

Muziq: Sabotage- Beastie Boys [XD]
Time: 5:59pm

To Muto Renkin:
[U had betta read this Rico! [Muto, Rabiez, wutevah~ ur name iz] I'll be testin' you on this tomorrow >:D
Otherwise, you'll remain 2nd to Leo >3> BWAHAHAHA]

Ha, today was fun, especially yesterday. Chiibz, Muto [who confessed that he doesn't read mah posts coz they're too long >.>] 'n I went to Chopstick for take out. FINALLYYYYYY [luv goin there X3]. We snuck our food into the library's studyroom to eat it too :3333

Today wasn't so eventful but lotz o' laughs made it cool :]
*virtually hugs friends*

*gets pushed away violently* D: D':

I'm gonna try 'n get summore friendzez to join theO.

Grrrr, sorry for not commenting guyz ;__; I read all your posts during 4th period tho :D
[juss thought I'd stick that in there...]

One of my many doodlez x___X Started it in science....

EDIT: Just noticed that I forget the 'i' in Jiraiya....

Eat My Virtual Dust, Title [>____<]

Muziq: Creep- Radiohead
Time: 1:52pm

hmm, so00oooo
Check it out:

External Image

I'm quite proud of this :D It takes a while, but I might colour things on the comp more often...

I really wanna go to Choptick X] If Chiibz gets some money on time =___=
She ruins everything-- LIKE MEH DREEEEEEAAAMMZZZZZ j___j
[seriously tho, I've wanted to go fer lyke, WEEKZEZ]

*ahem* anyhoo~

I'll try 'n submit summore, I've got so many unfinished pics...
And I've got school tomorrow, but that's not so bad; just two days o' school then the weekend =]

aw crap, just remembered I've got a paper to write for Science >o<

[hungry--- might go get a hotpocket and watch Young and the Restless..]

External Image

*yawnz* there'z no planned structure for this post. Hope I dun start rambling ~_~

Muziq: Welcome Home- Coheed and Cambria [got this from Rock Band. I am SO in love with the soundtrack X3]
Time: 11:28pm

Wow, the lyrics to this song are really cryptic, I absolutely love it.

Hmmm, no school tomorrow... I'll try 'n think up something to do~
[psch, yeah right XD I'll end up watching tv @ home]
Naw, I'll try 'n catch up on some reading. There's a pile of books atop my shelf that I took out from the library. I'm itchin to read them but haven't had the time ;___;

As you can see, I've completely changed my world :D
[for those who didn't see my last post]
Theme: Invader Zim [chyea~! ^3- ]

Anime club at my school will be canceled this Thursday, due to a faculty meeting. S000oooooooo~ Furry-Chibi 'n I shall go to Chopstick, a Chinese/Japanese restaurant close by :D Next stop- tha library to chill in the AC 'n do homework.

Speaking of HW, I'ma try not to wait till Wednsday night to do it all .____.
TRY wuz the key word >___>

yah, I'll end the post here...

But first! a lil pic: