[[ [ Hello<3stoppah. ] ]]

To burp out loud is to belch sort of unexpectedly, as if to slip sort of spontaneously, and--despite the custom "oops" that follows--with a bit of necessity. It's a self-satisfying gesture, at times executed with a complex mix of bewilderment, rage, affection, or fulfillment. In spite of one's earnest efforts, some ring more obnoxiously than others--with no intention of offense. In such instances, it is expected that those guests sitting wide eyed across from the bum act with the similar, and understand burping as a natural process to fun understanding. Feel free to set fire to any falsely assumed restrictions. Burp as if you were born free; set your feet upon the dinner table and let loose a button or two.

--Shi Bum Bumm

(formerly: xX9.tailed:NekoXx)


Muziq: CNN...
Time: 11:46pm

I'm signing off... tired...
um, check out my new wall 'n ecard if you haven't already :3
eh, maybe I'll get some ice cream b4 bed.

Well, ANYHOO. since this was pretty much a pointless post, I guess I'll end it .____. [I made like 3 posts today didn't I?] [-shot- for making stupid posts v__v]

okayz, night people :] Sweet dreamzes


Muziq: Don't Fear The Reaper- Blue Oyster Cult
Time: 5:08pm

Ah, the field trip was fun :]
We went on a Wet lands Cruise and it was really beautiful but extremely cold!
We were on an open boat and everyone got their butts frozen off >.<
Good thing is we went to Wensdays afterwards :33

Oh! Another good thing:

Luff you guyz 'n thank you so much :]]]
Well, trust me when I say a good majority of those are mine >.>
But thanx for viewing nonetheless ^__^

Hopefully I'll get a few walls up, gotz to go tho~

Quick Quick Post... [10:03am]

Goin on a field trip today :D
[I know it's Sat. but I'll explain laterrr]
I'll be back at 2:30pm, cya~

An Apple A Day Keeps The Back Pains Away :3

TV: CNN [I'm not paying much attention tho...]
Time: 6:36pm

M'kay, I'ma give you all the low-down of my current life. Current meanin yesterday 'nd today...
[This may be long, that is, if I remember everything I had to say]:

Yesterday Afternoon: I had an appointment with the doc after school. I'm sure I've mentioned this but I've got mild scoliosis in my mid and lower back. Last year all he said that I've got to practice good posture but we went into more detail this time around.

Sooo, here's what needs to happen:

  • Good posture is key, obviously. [especially stretching & being active]
    ....like not staying on this computer >.>

  • Eat more fruits 'n veggies [no problem :3] *continues to munch on apple*
  • Try strengthening my upper body strength. Like do pull ups, apparently we've got that "pull up machine" so I'll make an effort.

Things I'll have to sacrafice:

  • I was going to do track this year to become more active and excersize. Well, he said track running puts too much pressure on the back, that and gymnastics. He mentioned some sports I could do, like swimming or somethin. pscha~ yeah right.
  • Cut back on milk and ice cream. I told him that I buy the "no hormonal growth" milk and it's usually 1%. So milk can stay but I dunno bout that whole ice cream thing .____.;;;
  • Lastly, he said don't gain any weight [not like, become a size 2, just don't become obese o_0]. I dun think that'll be a problem, yeah~~.

hmmm, I believe that was it...
Otherwise, I'm a healthy lil duckie ^-^ Twaz very happy to hear that.

[skip this lil bit 'bout politics if you're not interested >.>]

The Presidential Debate: wasn't very interesting. Obama didn't do anything to further impress me. As for McCain though, apparently he did better than expected but didn't manage to sway many independents. haha.

Here's how theyve done with independents during the debates:

Sept. 26:
Obama 39%, McCain 24%, Tie 37%
Oct. 7:
Obama 40%, McCain 26%, Tie 34%
Oct. 15:
Obama 53%, McCain 22%, Tie 25%

Today, 4th period: These annoying losers were sitting behind us, more annoying than usual. So I decided to virtually throw imaginary darts at him while on theOtaku doing my project. x__X

As soon as I got home: I learned that our school's anime club is cancelled. We have a new principal this year and I guess last year's didn't fill out the forms to make us official. This was going to be our first super officla year as a club. After actually being here for three years. ugh, we're gonna fight this. Stupid administration.
*takes five min. to compose self after writing long rant them deleting it*
Instead, I'll settle for this:

erm, I was gonna write summore bout today but I guess it's it's really not important....
Cya guys laterrrr.
I should really work on this dang science project =___= *kills self*


So.... I'm Pretty Sure I'm Brain Dead. On The Left Side @ Least [x___0]

Muziq: watching Young and The Restless Time: I took the PSATs today [I have 2 honors classes, otherwise I'd take the Plan]. Gawsh, the English parts were easy as pie but I skipped 5 questions in...

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