[[ [ Hello<3stoppah. ] ]]

To burp out loud is to belch sort of unexpectedly, as if to slip sort of spontaneously, and--despite the custom "oops" that follows--with a bit of necessity. It's a self-satisfying gesture, at times executed with a complex mix of bewilderment, rage, affection, or fulfillment. In spite of one's earnest efforts, some ring more obnoxiously than others--with no intention of offense. In such instances, it is expected that those guests sitting wide eyed across from the bum act with the similar, and understand burping as a natural process to fun understanding. Feel free to set fire to any falsely assumed restrictions. Burp as if you were born free; set your feet upon the dinner table and let loose a button or two.

--Shi Bum Bumm

(formerly: xX9.tailed:NekoXx)

Jumbalacka Poo

Time: 9:33pm

~yawn~ ahhhh, I'm soo tired.
Just finished my math homework but I'm saving Spanish and S.S. for later... or tomorrow during classes =____=

I'm looking up stuff on Lewis Carroll right now. I had to analyze his poem, "Jabberwocky" for English homework last night and I liked a lot. I was even moorree interested in him once I learned that his wonderful children's storys (ex.: Alice in Wonderland) were inspired by his drug use. My teacher was like, "think about it, Alice was poppin' pills to get taller and shorter" others referenced the wacked out cat. Yah~ apparently a movie's coming out in the summer of '09, Johnny Depp plays the Mad Hatter ^3^
That sparked an odd interest in Lewis Carroll for meh :]~

Anyhoo, Wednsday was perdy interestin'... When the bell rang and in the halls, ALL I heard was "Obama this" and "Obama that" twaz awesome. Lots of fun too. I didn't get to take part in the conversations as much tho, I maybe talked to like, two or three people about it in real depth. Lotz o' laughs X] Ha~ even those who I knew would be ticked (obviously an understatement..) were all smiles, you can't help it when everyone's in such a great mood. Good times, Gooooood timesss.

Anime club's back on ^__^. We were cancelled because someone lost the papers which would make us an official club (even though it's been running for like 3yrs already). Basically, the teacher doing it this year wouldn't get payed so he couldn't do it (the teacher that had done it for 3yrs left the school T__T we still keep contact tho). BUT THANK GAWSH WE GOT SOMEONE TO DO IT FER FREEEEEEEEE :D
So the elected leaders and officials of the club (including myself, Assistant Executive) are building the club back up and creating rules 'n such. I just finished making the contract last night, it's perrrdy good :] and long >:]

. . .
mhmm, if you read the whole post then you must've realized how boring my life is :]~ The most interesting to happen to me today was probably anime club ~____x and I'm still tired ;__; BLAH.

[Grrrr, this is turning into a long post .____.; I guess that's enuff fer today ^^]

Garsh, can't wait till the weekend. Cya~~


Muziq: switching between CNN and MSNBC news
Time: 10:26pm

CNN says official polling results will be in by 1:00am x___X
Grrr, I'ma hafta roll myself outa bed tomorrow....
Regardless of who wins we'll have broken barriers, either way there will be an African-American or woman in the White House.
Obama's gonna rock the White House chya~

ya know what'd make this night near perfect? SOME ICE CREAM >:d
that'd be delightful *w*

oh yeah, dun pay attention to the crappy layout. Tiz full o' crap. My last theme was ice cream of course but I wanted to change it. To this? No. It lacks much needed pizzazz but it'll do for now .__.

My avie is currently: 'House for President'
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I've made a new one for tomorrow.

er, this post was pretty pointless >__> I didn't have much to say...
But go check out my ecard ^^ It has absolutely NUTHIN to do with the election [it's Linkin Park <3]

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12:28am: oh my, I'm goin ta bed now. My face might rip in two if I smile anymore... :D *face splits* x__X

Chai Tea Ish Sweetness

Muziq: CNN! XD [elections tomorrow!!]
Time: 8:28pm

Geez, my weekend sucked monkey butt without theOtaku. -hugs-
Well, here's a brief summary of what happened Fri-Sun.:
Bad Things:

  • My Mom banned me from the laptop during the weekend because I was apparently speaking out of tone >:| Bleh.
  • The new outlet in my town is perdy 'n all but has none of the stores I want in it.
  • My stomach hurts D:

Good Things:

  • My Mom still drove me to Borders and Hottopic. There, I bought a naaacce new Kuromi [Sanrio] sweater, as well as Eyeshield 21 vol.1 and Yotsuba&! vol.1. gah~ Eyeshield's awesome 'n all but Yotsuba makes me LOL, wish I had bought vol. 2 ;_;
  • I went to the Outlet for the first time. They tried making it look like an Italian Villa but it reminds me of the stores in Florida ^^ instead. It has a few cool stores, wish it had a bookstore though. That way, me 'n my friends could hang out at a cool place only a 30min walk from my house. So it fails to meet our expectations but w/e.
  • I'm drinking Chai Tea :D *yummmm*

ha~ can't wait!! And I have OFF tomorrow XD XD

Obama's less than 24hrs away from changing our country for the better but an unfortunate tragedy has occurred:
My condolences to Obama's family and relatives, and God bless his Grandmother's soul.

**[skip if you don't care about the election .__. I started rambling off ~_~]

Yeah~ While wearing my 'VOTE' shirt, I asked peepz at school who they'd vote for if they were able to do so. I pestered the kids who said McCain to give me a good reason as to why they would support him. What I heard was, "I dunno, my Mom's gonna vote for him. So... yeah. Well, I hate both of the candidates" and "One doesn't do anything and the other raises taxes" [he eventually said it doesn't matter who he supports coz he can't vote >_> missing the point completely] and finally, "I support McCain because he offers tax cuts."
I said that the majority of his tax cuts will go to those who don't need it and make enough to pay the taxes; he's also giving benefits to jobs over seas rather than the jobs here. [I of course am not an expert in the economy or taxes so I listen to analyzers =P who say that under Obama's plan, the middle class will receive larger tax cuts] Then, I pointed out that their tax arguments don't matter much. Going past the rhetoric, the 'fact-checkers' and analyzers say that the candidates may not be able to keep many tax cut promises while in office. But he stopped talking to me after that =__=;

**[ Kay! start reading again!! =o ]

Anyhoo... I've read all your posts [including the ones I missed] [promise!] :D Now I'ma go comment like my life depends on it >=d

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SQUEEEEEE!!! My third fav. manga/anime XD

poo~ I need to warm up mah chai tea *is too lazy to get up* >__<

EDIT: Fooey, I hafta get off j__j



I should DEFINITELY get mah butt off this computer now >o<

I just spent the last half hour looking youtube vids of my school's marching band and random stupidness, goood times.

eh, dun have much to say ^^. One thing though... I really, reeeaaaalllly get annoyed when people give copy/pasted GB signs. What's the point then ~____~ I'm not gonna reply to a GB sign that was given to fifty other otakuins. Blah.

Wellz, g'nite everyone. oh! Check out mah wallies :D

*rushes off to cleanuphouseshowerdoS.S.homeworkngetsomesleep* x___X

Jeebus Creepers, I Can't Wait To Party Wit Mah Rum <3

Muziq: Switching between Lou Dobbs Tonight and Harball With Chris Mathews.
Time: 7:18pm

Lou Dobbs is soooo for John McCain =__= He's pretty biased in my opinion, dun like watching him too much because of that. And while I like watching Hardball and believe Chris has lotz o' good stuff to say, he often interrupts his guests during their comments.

SO GUESS WHAT?? Mah marching band peepz should be arriving home from Syracuse very soon. Apparently some not so good stuffz happened over thar, can't wait till Rum gets home. I'll hafta smother her with love. SHE'LL BE OVER TAKEN WITH OVERLY JUBILANT HUGZ OF JOY >8D lawlz, yeah~~
Chiibz'll be home too. Thank pork 'n beans fer that. I've been oh so deprived of my daily dose of baka-chibiness ;__; [LE FORCE COMMANDS JOO TO COME BACK!!] I'll have to fill her in on how boring my life's been too ~___~

Soo... I picked up my sketchbook today, I'll have to show the pic to my aunt so she can point out all its disproportionate wonders :D Hopefull they're not too drastic .___.

Had gym today. Outside. Twaz plentiful in geese poopy. My gym teacher tried telling us that it's just recycled grass. hmm, that didn't help much considering that this 'recycled grass' stunk like heck and got stuck to the bottom of our sneakers >___< DARN U GEESE.

bleh. I don't think there's much else to say. Except for the fact that I got a 58% on my math quiz [o__x] It only had 3 questions so there was a more likely chance of getting something wrong but... poo. I didn't fully undestand that lesson.. I think my brain's just incapable of doing math DX

Social Studies FTW :333 That's like, my best 'n favourite subject, not that I'm doing great in there either, AP's wayyy harder x__X

GAH~! I shall now end this post with a pic brought to you by Jeff Thomas. enjoy~

EDIT: [7:57pm] Gettin off now coz *Le Gasp!* Chiibz called :D
So g'nite guyz, have a loverly night :]