Rachel's Challenge

As I remeber the movie, my eyes brim over with tears. This story, so moving, so touching, so heartfelt, it just pulls at me, and makes me want to become a better person. This is who Rachel Joy Scott lived and died. This is how I am determend to live mine.

Rachel Joy Scott was a true role model. She lived to bring unconditional kindness, which is more tahn i can say for myself. I can't begin to tell you all of the things that have happened because of this wonderful girl. All that I can do is to ask that you try to look her up, her story is so fasinating.

Now, this is my goal, this is my wish. This is my life.
I will never judge a person. If i ever get a bad impression, i WILL give that person at least three chances before i say NO. We are all human beings, we all deserve to be treated as so. Kindness, it's all around us. Kindness, it's becoming overlooked. Kindness. With us, it's makiing a come back.

Are you interested? Are you willing to hear more? Ask me, and I'll tell you all about this amazing person. I'll tell oyu all about what I stand for. I'll tell you everything. I tdoesn't mater if there are fifty million people who pretend to care, it's all worth it to find out that five people care. I care. Even if I don't know, I care. ALways know that.

So make a comment, or send me a PM. I'll be glad to explain.
