having a friend is like
having pee in your pants.
everyone can see it,
but only you can FEEL it.
thanks, for bieng the pee in my pants^.^

Oh gosh. That intro was written ages agoooo. The cringe is real.


yea, well......sorry everyone!! Yea, I know that I haven't been on as much as i would like to be. So i apologize if i never get around to commenting on your guys' post, but wheni get back, on, i'll comment, like a gajilliom-million-bajillion times, okay??

Qoute of the day: He looked me in the eyes and said,"I love you."
I sneezed and said, "Sorry, I'm allergic to Bull-Sh*$."

i is kunfuzzeled>.

hey.....well....i FORGOT HOW TO SCAN THINGS!>.< i drew this pic in a new style, and i think it came out all right! but....I FORGOT HOW TO SCAN IT>.

Colby o' Donis


Clozimodo's story, chapter 1

Ty could sense the boredom first before it actully hit him.
"well, it had to come at some hour" he said grumpily. Not to mention that outside it was raining. And ,believe it or not, while it was raining outside, you couldn't be outside.
With am exasperated sigh, he pulled himself of of the dorm sofa, and plopped himself in his new room. Sudenly, out of nowhere, the boredom was gone. Because instead of boredom, a plan was emerging in his head. He hadn't met his new classmates yet, but he didn't really believe in a 'good impression'. "Might as well give 'em a taste of whats to come," he thought with a wolfish grin. kay, well i guess i have to work on this later, you guys

wow. i hope it comes out!

i really want it to come out^/^