having a friend is like
having pee in your pants.
everyone can see it,
but only you can FEEL it.
thanks, for bieng the pee in my pants^.^

Oh gosh. That intro was written ages agoooo. The cringe is real.

Hello again, or Better yet, Farewell

Well, I hope that my existance here on this glorious site has been a pleasant one. This is a hard fare-well. Thinking of all of my so-called friends me laugh. And might I add, they are most certainly not good memories. Look at this post carefully. Does this seem like the friend that you all know, and have spoken to? I should hope not. But then again, this will just prove my point. Compare this post, and the more serious posts from Otaku Poems. "Be your self" everyone says.
But I haven't ever. The idiotic num-skull whore that you know was a COMPLETE FACADE. This is the real me.No squeeling like a stupid banshee with her head cut off. A lot of my friends really seemed to like the Idiotic me. Have you not yet noticed the REAL me? it pains me to say, "no, no you haven't"
Some friends. But as a parting gift, look at Otaku Poems on Imouto Chan's site. Good-bye, Farewell, and just so you know, i have no regrets, And I won't ever come back any time soon, as a matter of fact, i won't EVER comeback.
i haven't used any profanities, only to my "Fake-SelF"
So you see, you have no reason to hate me. Good-bye

utter happyness^^

I AM THE HAPPIEST THATI HAVE BEEN IN A LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!! i got my new shampoo!! hhahaha, i guess that sounds totally stupid and superficial, but I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THREE MONTHS!!! it's called Sun-Kissed Raspberrys, and i could MARRY IT IF IT WAS POSSIBLE!! *rolls around in happyness*
yay.....utter nice-ness :)
oh, and i got TWIZZLERS! (strawberrys^0^)


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who's this?

External ImageWhat Strawberry Panic Character Are You?Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime and Fandom

i is too evil for this shoe...too evil for this shoe, i am so evil..

Evil Is My Middle Name - Which Villain Are You?Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime and Fandom
External Image
teehee!! haha i don't think i is evil!! im too cute for that^0^haha, but were is this dude from??