Character Application

You must fill out this application in order to join the RP.

For Humans

Username: your otaku username
Name: (your character's name)
Job: (any particular job they have)
Hair color/style:
Eye color:
Clothing/Appearance: (What does your character wear? Do they have any piercings or tattoos?)
Weapon(s): (no guns or modern day weapons please)
Personality: (what is your character like?)
Likes: (at least 3)
Dislikes: (at least 3)
Habits/Hobbies: (at least 1)
Goal: (Optional)
Background: (at least a few sentences please)
Element: (what element do they still have control over if any)

For Bond-Keepers and Shadows

Username: (your otaku username)
Name: (your human character's name)
Job: (Bond-Keeper or Shadow)
Hair color/style:
Eye color:
Clothing/Appearance: (What does your character wear? Do they have any piercings or tattoos?)
Weapon(s): (no guns or modern day weapons please)
Personality: (what is your character like?)
Likes: (at least 3)
Dislikes: (at least 3)
Habits/Hobbies: (at least 1)
Goal: (Optional)
Background: (at least a few sentences please)
Summon Name: (your summon's name)
Summon Age: (how long have they been in the human world? Cannot exceed summoner's age)
Summon Gender: (yes they have gender)
Summon Description: (what does your summon look like? Also, if they rest in a particular item, explain what the time is.)
Summon Element: (Fire, Water, Earth, or Air)
Summon Subgroup Element: (if desired)
Summon Personality: (A sentence or two please)

For Summons No Longer With Bonds:
Username: (your otaku username)
Name: (the summon's name)
Age: (how long have they been in the human world)
Description: (what does your summon look like?)
Summon Element: (usually summons keep the same element they had after the bonds break)
Summon Subgroup Element: (if desired)
Summon Personality: (A sentence or two please)
Summon History: (Who was the human who summoned them? Did they do anything significant? ect.)
