``Pacchiri Tsukihi~Bright Days``

"Let the bright days still yet to come."

{。^◕‿◕^。} tumblr's ⇨ little wonders. | 5sos perfection. | free! iwatobi swim club.

Welcome to Pacchiri Tsukihi! The word 'Pacchiri' means 'Bright' in Japanese and the word 'Tsukihi' means 'Days'. This title is also referred to as Bright Days. In this world, you will be seeing many different types of posts such as memes, thoughts, dreams, jokes, anime, and any other things that seem interesting to me. Everything will be positive in here because it's called 'Bright' so don't worry, there will be no frowns while reading these posts.

This world will be updated from time to time, and I will try my best to be active on this world to post as much as I can. Well, I guess that's all and please enjoy your stay, everyone!

Check 'em out! {personalanime/mangabooks}

Meme: The Cute Test

Stolen from ForeverOtaku.

[ ] = You have blue/green eyes
[x] = You blush a lot (Yeah, for those embarrassing moments. >//>)
[x] = You giggle
[x] = You're quiet
[ ] = You say random silly things
[ ] = You have a baby face
[ ] = You wear a more down to earth style of clothing
[ ] = You don't wear halter tops or anything too showy
[ ] = You're under 5 feet 6 inches tall


[x] = You're a virgin
[ ] = Just thinking of sexual things makes you blush
[x] = Your idea of a date is really romantic
[x] = You sleep with a stuffed animal (Yes, I admit it. xD But only one though, lol.)
[x] = You like to cuddle
[x] = You've never played the Nervous game
[ ] = You don't even know what the nervous game is


[x] = You like the color pink
[x] = You tend to wear bright/girly colors


[ ] = You can be ignorant/oblivious
[x] = You'd consider yourself shy
[x] = You like happy upbeat music
[ ] = You like "Cutesy" music


What YOU think is cute:
[x] = You like small animals
[x] = You like babies a lot.
[x] = Small/mini versions of things make you go "Awww <3" (


Multiply how many you got by 4

60% LOL! Am I that cute? XD

Meme: What Pokemon Type Are You?

Stolen from HelloKatty.

[ ] You have a hardy nature
[ ] You're a born leader.
[ ] You're a charmer
[ ] You have a great singing voice
[ ] You love reptiles

Total: 0

[ ] You have a jolly nature
[x] You are kind
[x] You love all animals
[ ] You can keep a beat
[ ] You are true gentleman/lady.

Total: 2

[ ] You can be hot-headed
[x] You are short tempered
[ ] You go into a rage when you're mad.
[ ] You hate going swimming
[ ] You're the bad boy/girl type

Total: 1

[x] You love to swim.
[ ] You have a lax nature
[ ] You are a strong swimmer.
[ ] You like soft jazz music
[ ] You can dance

Total: 1

[ ] You can take a hit or two.
[x] You like shiny things.
[x] You love/loved gems/metals.
[ ] You have a bold nature
[ ] You have super hard bones

Total: 2

[ ] Your head is always in the clouds
[ ] You have a hasty nature
[ ] You love flying.
[ ] You can be intimidating for your size
[ ] You always feel like you are flying

Total: 0

[ ] You love to play mind games with people.
[x] You don't like to fight.
[ ] You have a docile nature
[x] You love to play games
[ ] You often run away from things

Total: 2

[ ] You are strong
[ ] You are vain
[x] You don't give up so easy
[ ] You love to fight
[ ] You have a bold nature

Total: 1

[ ] You love the shadows
[ ] You don't get out much.
[x] You have a bashful nature.
[ ] You like to scare people
[ ] You love scary movies/shows.

Total: 1

[ ] You are a lone wolf
[ ] You have an impish nature.
[ ] You're not a social person.
[ ] You don't get along with people
[ ] You listen to heavy music like metal or hard rock

Total: 0

[x] You know a lot of things
[x] You have a naive nature
[ ] You stand out easily
[ ] You love all music
[x] You can do anything if you put your mind to it

Total: 3

[x] You have a relaxed nature
[ ] You love bugs
[x] You love country music
[x] You can play a stringed instrument
[x] You're peaceful

Total: 4

[ ] You have a serious nature
[ ] You can play a drum like instrument
[ ] You're hard headed
[ ] You're big
[ ] You have/had a solid relationship

Total: 0

[ ] You have a cold heart
[x] You love cold weather
[x] You love cold food/drinks
[ ] You've broken someone's heart
[ ] Someone has broken your heart

Total: 2

[ ] You have a rash nature.
[ ] You kill things a lot
[ ] You don't listen to that much music
[ ] You don't have good plans or strategies
[ ] You often hide in the shadows

Total: 0

Results: Bug

Ew, I don't like bugs. Whatever, lol.


Stolen from LGA775.

What would you do if a blind guy/girl started hitting on you?
Umm..well, I would kinda just walk away and ignore the person.

Single or Taken?
Happily single.

Ever been in a fight?
Physical, no. Verbal, yes.

If so with who and did you win? And did you use your fists or a weapon?
Umm, I can't really say someone 'won', but it just ended.

Do you get in trouble for things you didn't do?

What would you do if you found out your bestfriend were gay?
It doesn't matter, I respect that. They want to be what they want to be.

Would you still hang out with them or ditch them and stop talking to them completely?
I would still hang out with them, there's nothing wrong with that.

If you could speak 3 different languages, what would they be?
I actually can speak 4. But I really want to learn Japanese. (`・ω・´)”

What would you rather have been named? Or do you like your name?
I like my name, I'm fine with it.

Country you've most wanted to visit?
Japan. (*´・v・) And Paris~

Would you hit your friend if you found out that he/she were going with your bf/gf?
I don't have a boyfriend.

You and your friends are bored? What do you do?
We're never bored. XD We're always doing something, lol.

Do you find piercings/tattoos attractive?

Are you addicted to anything?
Yes, anime! ヽ(;▽;)ノ

What songs stuck in your head?
No song, but a saying is.

Are you sporty or just pure lazy?

When was the last time you went to a party?
Last week, lol.

Was it any good?

Yeah, it was a birthday party. I'm not really a party person, but I wanted to celebrate her birthday. ;P

What is the point of life?
To live, laugh, and love. To carry on, no matter what happens, and that every bad thing that occurs in your life, is actually a blessing to make you stronger. So don't think you're cursed, and remember that you were given this life because you're strong enough to live it.

Do you hate Twilight as much as I do?
Lol, I don't know how much you hate it.

Who was the last person to make you laugh?
A friend.

Ever had a prank go wrong?
I don't really do pranks, I just watch them. XD

Ever tried to outrun a bus?
No, lol.

If you were to jump out of your bedroom window right now, would you get badly injured?
Yeah.. (0-0)/

What's the stupidest thing you've done?
I don't know..

Do you wanna try sky diving? I know I do?

Ever smart mouthed at a cop?

Ever been held in jail for a night?

If so what could you have possibly done?

Wanna try bungee jumping?
No, thanks.

One word to describe yourself?

To describe your friends?
There's too much. XD

What do you think is at the bottom of the rainbow?

Would you save a child if it meant possibly being killed yourself?
I guess so..

What do you have planned for the weekend?
Something personal.

Would you talk to a stranger on the internet?
I'm on theO! I talk to many people I don't know, but I can't call them 'strangers'. I can call them, 'friends.' ♥

What's on your mind right now?

You wake up as the opposite sex, what's the first thing you do?
I would freak out.

When you look in a mirror just after waking up, what thought runs through your head?
'I gotta look in my pants!' XD

Are you hungry? I know I am?
Not right now.

Turn around, what do you see?
The back side of the sofa.

Can you lick your elbow?

Ever been attacked by a dog?

What do you think of weddings?
They're nice.

If you could make anyone disappear, who would it be?
All the terrorists in the world!

Do you have an interesting scar?
Not really.

If so, how'd you get it?
Read above.

Ever dated someone you didn't find attractive in the least?
Nope, never dated.

Have you ever had a 'kick me' sign stuck to your back and didn't know?

Did you ever begged your parents for a pony when you were little?

Something you regret?

Last concert you went to?
I don't remember.

Who is the last person that made you cry?
You don't need to know.

Do you actually believe that Alaska is covered in snow?
Yep, in some parts.

Type your name, only using your elbow!
sweeteas <--- I did it. XD If only I didn't press 's'..

Are you purposely irratating?

Ever lost anything down the toilet?
No. XD

If you were walking down a street and somebody sprayed you with water, what would you do?
I would sue them, lol.

Have you had any broken bones before?

Do you know all the words to your National Anthem?

Have you ever sat down in a chair but fell to the floor, only to find that someone pulled out your chair on purpose?
Yeah, lol.

Do things like that still amuse you when they happen to other people?

Did you know that twinkle twinkle little star and the alphabet have the same rhyme?

Did you just sing them to make sure?
No, I already knew. XD

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever licked?
I pencil, lol.

How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
I don't know, but not very long.

Would you rather be able to fly for a day or be invisible for a day?

If you didnt shower for 3 days do you think you would smell?
I don't know..because I have never not showered for 3 days. :o

Would you rather have a pet Ostrich or a pet Sheep?
Sheep, they're so cute. X3

What colour is you hair?

Is that your natural hair colour?

Do you have a crush on anyone?

Did you love this survey?
It was okay.

Japanese Meme

Stolen from ForeverOtaku.

[x] You've seen at least one anime.
[x] You've read at least one manga.
[x] You watch anime/read manga on a regular basis.
[x] You think that anime and western cartoons are two separate things.
[x] You're in anime club.
[x] You've cosplayed at least once. (When I was little. It turned out as a fail, lol.)
[ ] You counted Halloween costumes from when you were a kid as cosplay
[ ] You cosplay in public.
[x] You've been to at least one anime convention. (It wasn't actually a 'convention' but some sort of little event.)
[ ] You cosplayed there.
[ ] You traveled more than 200 miles to get there.
[x] You like Japanese food.
[x] You like any of the following in particular: sushi, Pocky, cheap ramen, ramune.
[x] You know that sushi isn't just raw fish.
[x] You've made bento lunch.
[ ] You've made a charabento.
[x] You go to the Asian shop on a regular basis.
[ ] You've actually been to Japan.
[ ] You've been to Japan solely for the anime, video games or idols.
[x] You're learning/know Japanese.
[ ] You're learning it to watch anime without subtitles.
[ ] You have Japanese blood.
[ ] You CLAIM to have Japanese blood.
[x] You're in love with a fictional character made by Japanese people.
[ ] You claim you're married to said fictional character.
[x] Anime is so much better than western cartoons.
[ ] You call all cartoons anime.
[ ] Anyone who hates anime is dead to you.
[x] You call characters by their original Japanese names.
[ ] You call characters by their romaji spelling.
[ ] You defend Pearl Harbour.
[ ] You think Pearl Harbour's a new anime that just started airing in Japan.
[ ] You think Japan is the greatest country on Earth.
[ ] You think that just because they make the best media.
[x] You listen to J-music.
[ ] Exclusively.
[x] You know that it's pronounced "Gakuto" and not "Gackt".
[/] You can name all the Vocaloids. (Most.)
[x] You like Hetalia.
[ ] You think Japan is the best character.
[x] You wear items of anime-related clothing in public. (Rarely, lol.)
[ ] You play only Japanese video games/watch Japanese shows/eat Japanese food.
[x] You use Japanese honorifics.
[ ] To refer to yourself
[/] Your entire room is full of anime merchandise. (Not ENTIRELY, but a lot.)
[ ] You changed your name to something Japanese.
[ ] Legally.
[ ] You want to give your kid a Japanese name.
[ ] You want to name your kid after an anime character.
[ ] You've considered having surgery to look oriental.
[ ] You've had it done.
[ ] You stalk the Japanese exchange students.
[ ] You've been arrested for doing so.
[ ] You use memes in daily conversation.
[ ] You watch abridged series.
[ ] You get most of the jokes.
[ ] You use tildes while typing.
[x] You use Japanese emoticons.
[ ] You make attempt to Japanese sounding by the Engrish typing.
[ ] You claim you're Japanese on your dA/Facebook/Myspace/whatever.
[ ] You're not.
[ ] You're not even Asian.
[ ] If you're Asian, you think doing Japanese stuff helps you get in touch with your heritage.
[x] And you're not even Japanese.
[ ] People call you a weeaboo.
[x] You prefer the term otaku.
[ ] You break out into Caramelldansen in public.
[ ] You want to date a Japanese person.
[ ] No other nationality will do.
[x] You watched Naruto.
[ ] You wear the headbands.
[ ] Every day.
[ ] You're bitching at me because they're properly called "forehead protectors"
[ ] You bought said headban- erm FOREHEAD PROTECTOR at Hot Topic.
[ ] You act out scenes from the show.
[ ] FFVII is the best game ever.
[ ] Sephiroth is yours.
[x] Kingdom Hearts is awesome.
[x] AxelxRoxas is KAWAII DESU NE~~~!!1
[x] You wish you owned a real Death Note. (I have a notebook that has the Death Note cover on it though, lol.)
[ ] Touhou rocks your life.
[ ] Anime dubs are the spawn of Satan.
[ ] Vic Mignogna is God.
[ ] It's seiiiyu, not voice actor.
[ ] You use gratuitous Japanese all the time.
[ ] You add "desu" to the end of every sentence.
[x] The only thing you draw is anime. (Not only, but most of the time.)
[x] All your friends also like anime. (Not from school, but my 'other' friends that don't go to my school, yes.)
[x] You want to become a mangaka. (That is one of the things I want to be.)
[ ] In Japan.
[ ] Most of your manga/anime is hentai.
[x] You know that "hentai" doesn't mean "porn"
[ ] You write fanfics for English class.
[ ] Yaoi fanfics. (They're okay.)
[ ] You know nothing about Japanese culture except for anime, videogames, idols, music, porn and schoolgirls.
[ ] Everyone says you have no life.
[ ] And it's true.


0-10: You probably hate Japan. You're not a weeaboo at all, not even close.
10-20: You like SOME Japanese things but, still not a weeaboo.
20-30: At this stage you probably still hate weeaboos. Good news- you're not one.
30-40: You keep your love of Japanese stuff sensible.
40-50: You're very likely a Japanophile, but you're not as annoying as a full-blown weeaboo.
50-60: You're not a weeaboo just yet, but try and moderate it.
60-70: Weeaboo.
70-80: Please stop it!!!!!!
101: Insane asylum tiems.

I like my result, lol.

Meme: Layers

This is my first meme that I will post on this world! ♥ Stolen from HelloKatty.



- Name: SweeTea
- Eye Color: Light brown
- Hair Style/Color: Brown
- Height: 5'7''
- Clothing style: Bright colors, and lots of cardigans/scarves.
- Best physical feature: My face, because I'm flawless. (Not trying to brag)

- Your fears: Violence, Spiders, Heights, losing people I love.
- Your guilty pleasure: I don't know?
- Ambitions for the future: Lots of things.

- Your first thoughts waking up: 'What time is it?'
- What you think about most: A lot of stuff, school (Even though its Summer), life, health, friends...a lot of stuff.
- What you think about before bed: Just as much of the things I was thinking during the day.
- You think your best quality is: That I'm a good person to talk to when you need help and I always find my way somehow even though I thought it was impossible, and a caring & helpful person, I guess.


- Single or group dates: Single.
- To be loved or respected: To be loved.
- Beauty or brains: Brains.
- Dogs or cats: Dogs.

- Lie: Rarely.
- Believe in yourself: At times.
- Believe in love: Yes.
- Want someone: Kinda..

- Been on stage: Yes.
- Done drugs: Nope.
- Changed who you were to fit in: No.

- Favorite color: Violet.
- Favorite animal: Koalas.
- Favorite movie: Life of Pi. (It changes from time to time.)
- Favorite game: Tales of the Abyss & Tales of Vesperia. I also like playing Assasins Creed on PS3.

- Day your next birthday will be: Monday.
- How old will you be: 17.
- Age you lost your virginity: Never have.

- Best personality: A caring, gentle and nice personality.
- Best eye color: Blue.
- Best hair color: Dirty blonde, or ginger.
- Best thing to do with a partner: Anything that makes you happy with him.

- I love: Photography, Blogging, Anime, Disney, Reading, Drawing.
- I feel: Neutral.
- I hide: My feelings, at times.
- I miss: This special person.
- I wish: I could be with that special person. ♥