
I'm not totally back yet but I just wanted to give you guys an update!

I've been great lately and I've gotten into harvest moon lately and I found it to be fun and simple!owo

except at the end my game the character just ends up dying...and their son never takes over the farm cuz I never know how to convince him animals and hard work is fun!;m;

but besides that, what been going on lately?
any new loser art theifs been snooping around?
anybody need a hug or shoulder to cry on?

if so tell my buddeh 'the ocean sky' formally known as 'theliliflower'
she'll update me at school, tell her Melissa sent yah!>w<

the only reason I'm doing this is because TheO is the only place I don't feel like a total stranger'-w-


~Mell(needs to get her a new comp...)
