Hay hay hay~ Tiz dah Shin yall! Welcome to my lil blog which I will call the minority blog, just coz it's set up by a dummy -points to self-

Anyways~ I'm gonna put you up to speed with a little of who I am and a bit of what I like

I am currently a highschool sophmore
I am a 16 year old stranger who happens to live in Florida, [its fricken HOT!]
And I am a lover of many things! 8D [how vague]
As for my name......well...I dun feel like saying it here coz I dun wanna DX But very few ppl on here that i've talked to for a while know it, and it's pro'lly on my myotaku page or something. Ask me and i'll think about telling you it

I am a bum of some talents which I criticize [of myself] alot
I am an artist, a writer, a lil actor [I luzz to improvise for fun in school and school activities], and.....i think that's it??

Lets see...I LOVE yaoi, roleplaying, yaoi roleplaying, shojo, shonen, horror, action, comedy, and anything else I probably like but don't really feel like typing

Here are some other sites i'm on~

MangaBullet --- EnilanDeranged
DeviantArt --- 123REN321
GaiaOnline --- Shineska
SmackJeeves --- _REN_
YouTube ---LOLNane
TinierMe --- Qrumpet Queen

yeah that good stuff.

Well, yall can hit me up whenever you feel~ like it. Trust me, we can engage in utter random shenanigans or meaningful buzz and we'll most likely get along just fine XD

Fake Friends

"No offense, but ... People are getting too fake on me . They only want posts, comments, or to see how many friends they can get. So let's see who will actually repost this. This is a test to see who's paying attention. This is a test to see how many people in my friends list actually pay attention to me. Copy and repost in your own bulletin. Lets see who the true friends are and I think I know who you are... Repost this if you are a friend...Don't reply... just copy and paste this in a new bulletin as "Fake Friends'

True friends will read and repost this. Fake friends will just ignore it"

I wanna let soji know i do care, and this might also be good for me so i can see who my friends are. Yeah...
