

He opens his mouth to speak.
No words.
He moves his mouth but nothing comes out.
Silent screams.
He reaches out but grasps nothing.
Empty air.
He loses his mind as it races for an answer.
No response.
He falls. Fast.
Absent ground.
He finds himself stuck in a black void.
Falling forever.



Easily falling apart,
The broken pieces scatter.

Easily falling hard.
To you I don’t matter,

Easily breaking a heart,
The broken pieces scatter.

Easily breaking apart,
I’m so broken.
But it doesn’t Matter,


Last Longing

Her angelic voicing never heard
Her calls upon no longer
Least of all the beast…

Her breath but a whisper
Her footfalls an echo in my mind
Of which I no longer hear…

Her ivory skin unreachable
Her blue eyes haunting
That I wish not to live without…

Her velvet soul outreaching
Her warmth now distant
I shall never have within me…


Mein Blut

(Lyrics by Eisbrecher)

Kaltes Herz (Cold heart)
Eiskaltes Licht (Ice-cold light)
Kalter Glanz (Cold glint)
Eisgesicht (Ice-face)
Kalte Lust (Cold desire)
Kalte Seele (Cold soul)
Gottes Hand (God's hand)
an der kehle (on my throat)

Auf die Knie (On your knees)
Hut ab zum Gebet (Hat off for prayer)
Das Gesicht in den Staub (My face in the dust)
so tief es nur geht (as far as it will go)

Ich vergieße mein Blut (I spill my blood)
für dich (for you)
mein Herz (my heart)
für dich (for you)

Heißer Tau (Hot droplets)
auf weißer Haut (on white skin)
Kalte Frau (Cold woman)
ausgesaugt (sucked dry)
Kaltes Kreuz (Cold cross)
Mach mich gesund (Make me wholesome)
Kalter Wein (Cold wine)
aus deinem Mund (from your mouth)

Dies ist mein Leib (This is my body)
der hinweg nimmt (which takes away)
die Sünden der Welt (the sins of the world)
Dies ist mein Blut (This is my blood)
das dich für alle Zeit (which frees you for all time)
von der Unschuld befreit (from your innocence)

The Beast

She calls upon me and with obedience I answer, never thinking about her intentions, never considering the dark pull around her is what lulls me. I step close, she steps closer. My eyes haze over and I realize I am within the Venus Fly Trap. She has lured me into her grasp, pulling me tighter and I want more. I resist, ever so slightly as to control the deep stirring. I fight, in good conscious, but my grasp waivers. I can smell her, the blood beneath her skin, the sweetness of youthful flesh. I desire things about her that I perhaps shouldn’t... the caverns deep within my mind suddenly fill with concepts I would normally pass by. I grit my teeth as I gently touch her skin... feeling... feeling... over whelmed with thoughts that make no sense to my kind. But I am different... I have been exposed. They will never understand. They can never grasp... what it’s like to have a woman in your arms...

My fingers itch to grasp hold, my body moves on its own, and I am drawn to her. Drawn to her desires, her wishes and wants... behind those eyes... I can see where she wants me and I obey. I obey her. I obey. I can say nothing, I am at a loss for words and I move in closer, closer... ever so close. She speaks, and it’s all I can hear. What she says I can not remember, all I know is to obey. I answer, but only out of reaction. I fight to regain consciousness but her spell is wrapped tight. I feel the hunger and that is all that is conscious. The Hunger... the need. I close in, my lips so close... to tasting. I breathe in not of my own accord. The need is taking over. Slowly, parting my lips I take the flesh in. My tongue dances across the exposed skin and a wave of energy surges through...

Blackness... I am no longer. I wait... until the need has consumed his fill. Wait until he has relinquished my woman... until he is sated and full. Then, once again I will regain my sight... my mind will return... my hands retract and I will return to the darkness... where I belong.
