:3 Awsomee video !!! XD

Hello everyone !
YAYYYYYYYYYYYY ! I am soo happy ! I have finally decided what Cosplay Character I am going to be. I have recently been debating on who I should be, Rukia, or Yourichi. I have now decided that I shall be.....


yippeee !
unfortunatly, there are alot of Rukia cosplayers out there . T.T
But oh well...
I have made a list of things I will need.
*Sword(( will only buy steel , NO wood . ))
*Rukia-Shinigami Cosplay Costume
*Rukia-School Cosplay Costume
*Rukia Gloves.
*And then the School shoes.

I am currently looking for a place that had a execution grounds Rukia Cosplay Costume. I can't find one of cosplaymagic.com , and is now looking desperatly for one !!
Must...find...cosplay costumee !!!! >.<
If you know where to get one, pleaseeeeeeeee tell me .
I will be very grateful !
Bleach 191 - Raw - OUT TODAY !! Oct.21st
Bleach 191 - English Subs - Oct. 22nd


Mizuiro : "Ahhh , look at mini Ichigo ! "
Keigo : "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Look ! He looks angry just like his dad!"
Ichigo: "SHUT UP!"


VIDEO !!!!
