RP Like You Came Here To Do:

Hello Aizen here,

I have been noticing a few things around the RP since the slow down. Well even before the slow down. I was part of the RP the last time it was up and running. Back then we all had access to Skype and we were on -- dear God ‘all the time’. So RPing was easy for us to do. We could RP in Skype, copy and pasted what we did in Skype into a post for TheO after it was cleaned up and edited.

This time the RPer’s are either too busy to get on Skype or they don’t have access to Skype or just right out don’t want to be on Skype. Whatever the reason be; I am sure some of you feel like your not RPing. Well your right, your not RPing. You’re sitting at your computer reading and leaving comments on posts you either should not comment on or coming in at the end or the beginning of the post as a commentator.

Now me myself; I love to RP in the comments. Don’t sit there thinking it can’t be done. That’s bull. Because it can. There are a few posts I have RPed in with Ulquiorra, Kita and even Nnoitra and some of the RPing there was three of four of us RPing in the comments. Some posts yes; they cannot be RPed on, but there is a post up ‘right now’ that can be RPed on within the comments, and I know for a fact that PM’s went out to the soul reapers from Yamamoto *saw the hell butterflies announced in the post*. Now how many soul reapers could just wander by, stop and say hi to Hisagi? Sure it might take a little bit to get a comment back, but at least you're RPing. Sometimes you could even get lucky and the RPer is hanging out in TheO and the RP will move along quickly.

So if you're sitting there not RPing and are frustrated and annoyed because of this. You have NO ONE to blame but yourself for that fact. Step up and RP like you came here to do. That’s one of the reasons commenting is stressed in an RP. That’s one reason why the comment boxes were made. To INTERACT with the person that made the post. You cannot interact with another RPer if you are NOT COMMENTING.

So I have one thing to say to you all:

Get off your butts and start RPing like you CAME HERE TO DO.

Thank You,
Aizen’s RPer
