READ ME!!! Let's Start With This Post:

*smiles* Hello All of the RPers,

I am here to address a complaint that I am getting from a few of the RPers. I won’t mention names, but I am sure all know one that is complaining he makes it known that he HATES the fact that no one comments… heehee. Though, I have to agree with the ones complaining. It is hard to know who knows what and how caught up anyone is if you don’t comment on the posts.

Now I have heard people going on about some posts you just CAN’T comment on. Agreed. Some you just CAN’T comment on.

A few examples are:

  • Soul Reapers commenting on things in Los Noches
  • Arrancar commenting on things that happen in the Soul Society.
  • Characters thinking or Writing something down (like Kita in her journal).

^These^ are posts that really CAN’T be commented on. HOWEVER, that does not go to say you can’t do an OOC moment and hide it as a spoiler. I have seen MANY do that one.

It’s not like an arrancar would be standing around SS outside someone’s room hearing them talking as well as the Soul Reapers would not be doing that in LN. Though I have seen a couple Soul Reapers comment on things in LN and Arrancars comment in SS.

They look like stalkers… lol. OH WELL! Sometimes you have to be a stalker if you’re going to find ANYTHING out. Standing in the shadows and listening is not going to get you killed. Just use your best judgment on commenting. If it is a post in your realm then comment on it.

I am going to use a couple of examples here:

  • Juushiro’s Post today: In the post it was stated the gate was left open. If your part of the SS you could easily walk in there. Leave a comment.
  • Kisuke’s Posts: There in the human realm EVERYONE can comment on that one. Arrancar off in the distance watching. Soul Reaper stopping by or them as well watching from a distance. Humans as well stopping by or feeling the added spiritual power in the town coming to see what is up. What ever excuse you can find to comment on it.
  • Difficult Posts: I’ve see RPers commenting on, a couple of Kita and Ujikiyo’s difficult posts.
  • Them leaving and then Aizen or another arrancar seeing them leave or catching them coming back.
  • If someone is in their room or the Throne Room or Captain Commanders Room complaining/talking. You can be in the hall.

Most ALL posts can be commented on in some form or fashion... Ok this is getting longer than expected.

I just wanted to let everyone know. START COMMENTING and the posts you should NEVER leave uncommented are:

  • Captain Commanders Room
  • Aizen’s Throne Room
  • Bleach Communication World

At least half of those posts are orders or informative posts in some way. These posts should always be commented on.

Look at this way... If you are not informed of what is going on or we THINK your not informed of what is going on then you will not be any help to this RP and your character will be over looked to participate. Because if we feel like we have to stop and explain everything to you its going to be a hassle to the ones that do stay caught up.

Now don’t get me wrong. I know life can be a pain and major-ly get in the way and if it happens and you do fall behind. We are not going to be buttheads and not help you out in getting caught up, but if your just NOT keeping up because you DON’T want to… Then my first question to you is … “Why are you here?”

So please, the RP is not moving very fast. Posts are minimal it is not like every RPer posts everyday. It can be kept up with fairly easy and commenting should not be a problem. I am not asking you to write a book when you comment. Heck, I am not even asking for a full sentence when you comment. Just comment, alright.

