

I let the information sink in, thinking it over. At first I thought the whole guardian letter was some kind of prank. But, unfortunately this wasn't the case.

Haine waved goodbye and skipped off with her twin. First day back and I already got one someone's bad side. Maybe it was for the best.

Maora seemed to have something against humans. But, a lot of people did in this academy for the same whole reason. In other words a freak in the eyes of the human public. I didn't really consider it. Nor did really know what kind of people that has a feud with my race... sure, time has changed, but people's sentiments were still the same as they were centuries ago.

They are abnormal.
They are to be feared.
They will be attacked.

I stood up, downed my tea, then stalked to the front door and stepped out without a word. Everyone was busy so it would be nice to take the time to relax.

There was a light drizzle that afternoon, giving the sky a grey color. I shrugged my shoulders and began to walk. I figured on getting some fresh air before I had to unpack. I lit my cigarette and exhaled the smoke. My eyes caught a person nearby.

I stood lazily, staring at Kyon, my shoulders relaxed. I have seen him before. He was in couple of my classes last year so I didn’t have to keep my guard up.
“Hey,” I said to the time traveler. He looked over at me and studied me, “Your Kyon, right?”
