
Academically-speaking, this is the busiest I have been in a looooong time. The last time I was this swamped with work was probably two years ago. And my grades are going to the dogs right now, lol. Especially in 4th level Chinese, which is just kicking my ass. But I'm trying not to beat myself up over it. :)

Also, I'm writing a paper for my Sociology class about representations of Chinese people in anime. Will probably post it up here once it's complete. I'm actually pretty proud of what I have written so far. :)

In the scraps of free time I've had the past few days, I've been watching the k-drama Protect the Boss. It's awesome.

And not just because Jaejoong is in it. :P

EDIT: OMG I'VE HARDLY POSTED THIS SEMESTER, AHHHHH. Will rectify this over my month-long winter break. :P
