Hello! (Aurora here! ^-^)

First of all I have been doing better at being on...
Its just been busy! >.<

ummmm I don't really know what to talk about... most of you know Borealis pretty well, but me? not so much... So maybe some info about me?... I dunno...

Well as you know Borealis does the art work. Iam more of a wallpeper maker! ^^ Tho' I did do my part with the pushie!!!

Easy ways to tell who's writing (Bor or me): I use caps--Bor doesn't. I also use more faces, like ^(..)^ or =^-^= or d>.<b...

Both me and Bor are big time SciFi fans!!! Star Trek, Stargate, Star Wars... (Whats with the stars!? o.O)

OH! I like different manga/anime then Borealis! (almost forgot, lol ^^;;) She typically does Tsubasa art and wallies, I do a mix.(I also love Tsubasa tho') My favs are: Trinity Blood, Zetman, Otomen, Immortal Rain, Vampire HUnter D, Fruits BAsket and well the list goes on and on... so I'll stop with my top picks. (wierd mix huh? ^^;;)

Any question for me or for Borealis?
Feel free to ask!!!

