Gah! too much stuff for kya's brain to handle!

sanzo: good job. you didn't say anything random!

that's because i'm too hungry to think of anything random. I skipped lunch because i choose life!!!

envy: i thought it was to write those autopsy reports.

....that too. Since envy brought it up, i will explain what's going on. My church is once again doing it's ever so famous halloween play! Usually every year i am the one who ends up in heaven as a dead person. Hee hee! not this year! i get to be the medical examiner of the dead! And the guy who was with me last year in heaven is satan!

neji: kya! eat and i will type.

~raids kitchen for food~

neji: ok then. Alot has been going on with kya. As one of the officers like ryoko in the anime club, she has been busy working on club day which was a huge success. I you want to see for yourself, go to youtube, look for the user rikusora123 and find her latest video. It should say club day. For some odd reason kya dress as-

envy: me! she was me and was really adorable!

kanda: shut up baka. She has also been active with a band she is in and has been stressed because her new phone busted out on her and she is still waiting for her new one to come in. she is also waithing for her flute to be fix as well!

mom's homE!!!!

all: BYE!!!
