Kyuu...Why must College be a headache?

Envy: Woot! four day weekend!

yes my second week of college is over...and i'm getting mad at my math homework.

Neji: your math? What's happening now? of the problems are so confusing that i don't understand it. They are getting this number from i don't know where and it totally bites!

Sanzo: perhaps you are suppose to know that number?

...Anyways...I have been enjoying myself so far. I have all my cosplays done for con this october and now need to get the full event pass. I'm going to be (for con) Hungary, Lenne, and Medusa so i'm excited about that.

Envy: -_- you said you were going to be me.

Kanda: why the heck would she want to be some crossdressing palm tree who doesn't know it's gender?

Envy: Why you- *Fight breaks out*

Usagi has been busy too with school and cosplays. Her Lithuania costume is 98% finished...we need to dye her tie black.

Neji: why didn't you just buy one?

Um...because we suck at tying ties and the clip on they did have have white spots and is dark blue...anyways i hope all of you are doing well! And Rae chan? I think we need to take Russia to the Home Depot to pick up a water pipe!

Envy: 0o' water pipe? ~backs away slowly~

^^ and he needs to listen to the Mad Russian Christmas because i'm planning out a amv for Russia! ^^

Envy; 0_0 ~runs out the room freaked~

^^ bye bye.
