First college week over!

Phew! What a week! and a very good one! College was very interesting...

Envy: your english 102 class professor has issues.

Neji: but it's understandable.

^^' class knows that i like anime. One of my classmates brought her daughter in and we both discovered (to the mom's dismay) that we like Naruto. The class thought that was kind of funny.

But anyways, I think (and to my surprise) that my math class is my favorite class!

All guys: ~glass shatters~

Seriously! MyMathLab is something that EVERYONE should use for math. and as a plus! my math professor is really understanding and funny!

Envy: he doesn't like me though.

hmm...would it have something to do with messing with the ELMO system?

Envy: ...i don't know what you are talking about.

but yeah that's my week in a nut shell.
and I have an announcement. I'm ending my Kingdom hearts High school because all my character people are gone. Instead for college...I'm taking a suggestion on what series I should base it off of. I'm considering Hetalia and Soul Eater. Any other suggestions would be great.
