Halloween 2011

Since Halloween actually falls on the Monday, we decided to have our celebration last night instead. (Saturday.)

So, what did we do? Well, it started with me carving our pumpkin while Lee washed up. Then me and Lee headed out to Sainsburys to get hold of some food and snacks and such and realizing that we had actually bought too much to carry home. We ended up sat in McDonalds next door and waited for my brother to arrive to give us a lift back with it all.

Got a good haul though. They were doing a buy one get one free offer on frozen party food, so we ended up with two enormous 60 pieces party food boxes for only a fiver! Also picked up the usual stuff like sausage rolls, cheese and onion rolls, snack eggs, crisps, chocolate bars, biscuits, etc. Also got a baby pumpkin to go in our bedroom window.

Got back, put the stuff in the oven and loaded Dexter.

Ma decided to carve our new pumpkin herself into a Dean-o-Lantern. Me, Ma, Lee, Ryan and Jen sat and watched the first episode while scoffing with the lights out.

The food?

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We also lit a ton of candles.

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And, of course, the pumpkins.


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Ma's Dean-o-Lantern:

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Got Ma back to her house after the first episode, as she was feeling done in and such then we came back and watched a load more eps. (Ryan and Jen haven't watched Dexter you see, so we thought it'd be perfect.)

All in all, a good night.
