Stitches and Itches

OK, ta to Nick for letting you all know about my progress.

I'll be online on and off now, as I healed much quicker than I expected. I was actually pretty much healed up by the 4th day. I had to have my wrappings done twice and my inner ones done once in the last two weeks. Bloody idiots can't wrap for shi... ncups. O_o *cough*

Been so damn itchy!

Other than that, I'm just glad to be free of it all.


[The odd browny yellow is iodine from the iodine patch that was part of my dressings, the blue is the pen the used to mark me up, the reddish squiggles are bruising from the clamps and anything else is probably dry blood.]

With that out of my system, I can carry on.

As for usage, I can't do much for at least six weeks now. So, I'll not be doing any commissions, but orders are welcome so long as people are aware of the delay.
