I Hath Returned!

After many painful (Literally too what with my knee and all) days of being laptop-less I'm back. My lappy was taken to the little computer store down the road who fitted me a new 160gb hard drive and re-installed Vista for me for only £60. (It's all under guarantee and everything! :heart: ) Now, normally I'd do it myself, but to be perfectly honest, buying a hard drive on its own was looking at costing around £100 - £350 on its own. Fuck that. >=/

So, yeah. Thank you to Danny for letting you guys know what was what. I know he's very busy and probably got himself in a pickle doing it for me. I guess I'll have to bake him a cake and take a train down to thank him soon. xD

As for the knee, it still smarts. The funny thing is a bruise never showed. It was excruciatingly painful and I swore I fractured it or something, but no bruise. =/ Odd. I guess I'll just cart myself to the hospital to get an x-ray if it carries on though...

But, yes. I'm back. Everythings normal once again.

PS: AAAH! So many messages and updates! :O
