Heyyyy dudes, danny here. some of you who go to axels site will prolly already know who i am but for those who dont im one of axels old buds. axel asked me to go round the sites she visits and let people know whats going on. well the basic gist is that our axel is out of action both physically and internetly due to an accident involving her knee colliding rather viciously with the desk in her master bedroom.this effed her knee up instantly and she fell back and stomped on her laptop causing her harddrive to bust. so not only is she internetless but shes laptopless, lost all her work AND hobbling about on a busted knee. (some of you may already know this since our nick (ninja spoon) told me he visited chat the other day and asked deena to spread the word, so sorry if this is old news.)

if any of you guys want to wish her well either leave messages here, on her forum or you can email her bro at [email protected] (id say me but im so busy lately i hardly get time to check my mail :( )
