Tatsuo's Story: Hiding in the Shadows

Running. It's all that I can do to save my life. People, family. Family? They're not my family, I will NOT accept what they did to me. I mean what kind of family would chase out their own heir to be the head of the family. Are the people chasing me still following me? What did I ever do to them? Just because I am different. I am not human, I don't even know what I am. Having to wear a mask to hide my face and identity. Because if I hide my face then no one will know who I am. Except for the spirits that seem to follow me around, wanting something from me, saying words that I can't hear. They seem to understand me, and they give me a comforting feeling. Lost in this forest of never ending trees and darkness. One step forward is just leading me nowhere, just more into the darkness. Why, is this happening to me?! Why?! Is this really the fate I have to deal with for the rest of my life? How come I was the only one that had to be different, why couldn't there be at least one more... One more like me...
