Man...G. I. Joe

Well, not much has been happening since I've last updated. Except for the fact that I went to go see GI Joe! yay!! ha ha ha, that movie totally rocked, I reccomend it to anyone who is a fan of action, ha ha ha. My favorite characters had to have been Snake Eyes and Cobra, rawr! I'm a sucker for those types of characters...especially the crazy science like characters, ack! Still havent figured out what GI stands for...we were hoping the movie would tell us but it didnt, ha ha ha. Do any of you guys know?

Hmm, James took me to meet the rest of his family at this chicken party, ha ha ha. Sounds weird I know, but really it just means they were serving chicken, ha ha ha. It was really good! Everyone at his family kept asking us when we were going to get was kind of funny and weird at the same time, ha ha ha. But I did like the fact that they liked me...I hope! Eep!

Most of the time we just hung out in his parents car and listened to music.

Hmm...besides that that's about it! ha ha ha, except for the fact that I havent really been taking care of my health, aherm herm...I dont know why! It just happens, ha ha ha. James always buys my junk food and I eat it...I know I know, make healthier choices, but it's just been so long since I've had food like that i kind of feel like it's the last time I'm ever going to eat it...ha ha ha. But I do admit that I need to stop drinking lots of soda, ack! Screwing up my system and I hate it! ha ha ha.
