Artist Profile: KK Slider

Hi I'm Kate-chan. I'm really happy I'm on my sister's world. I don't really have much advice to give but I know I will learn alot from you guys.

Country: Canada
Age: 12
Anime and Manga: I read a few manga like Bakuman, Eye Shield 21, Prince of Tennis and Yotsuba. I don't watch alot of anime right now, only Fruits Basket.
Favorite Genre: I like comedy and mistory.
Video Games: I like to play games on the Wii such as Strikers Charged or Mario Cart.
Favorite tools: My favorite tools are pencils (erasers), and pencil crayons.
About Me: I started drawing manga (or what I thought was manga) when my sister started drawing comics. Also I love to draw fairies and I'm working to get better at manga/anime.
Thankyou for being my friend!
