Instagram: @_willtwerkfortacos
Gifboom: @marxiesaurusrex

love cannot live without hate
success cannot live without failure
happiness cannot live without anger
sadness cannot live without joy

Of Mice&Men, Sleeping with Sirens, Black Veil Brides, Bring Me the Horizon, You Me at Six, Asking Alexandria, Pierce the Veil, Memphis May Fire, and More

age: 19

Birthday: February 1st

gender:Girl, obviously

sexuality: Bisexual

nicknames: Honey Boo

Fave colours:lime green,red,black

hobbies:writing drawing, eating, tumblr twitter

occupation:annoying student

best friends on theotaku:amber

best friend: Key

crush: Every living Band Member

fave anime: Full Metal Alchemist and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

ugh we just keep going

when we want to give up and when we want to say f*ck the world...but what for? most of the time its worth it but what about when it isnt worth it? do we still keep going? hehe just some insight from me

lets chat!!

u can email me at [email protected] if ya want to

ok so

why are people just now deciding to tell me that i'm trash? why are they now deciding to tell me that my friends are trash? just because i accidentally break things doesnt mean i'm hopeless.... this is what happened: i was twirling my...

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nothin wrong?

nothin wrong for once!!my mom's here and her BF is coming and idk i'm jus reeli chill right now ya kno??lolz but if anyone is havin hard times i'd love to talk about it wid you and give some advice if ya lyyk!!

Me first one thingy

You have just had a hard day of training with your father and you go out to the tree in front of your house and lay down. All you are trying to do is remember the reason why you decided to take the boy’s training instead of the girl’s...

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