Instagram: @_willtwerkfortacos
Gifboom: @marxiesaurusrex

love cannot live without hate
success cannot live without failure
happiness cannot live without anger
sadness cannot live without joy

Of Mice&Men, Sleeping with Sirens, Black Veil Brides, Bring Me the Horizon, You Me at Six, Asking Alexandria, Pierce the Veil, Memphis May Fire, and More

age: 19

Birthday: February 1st

gender:Girl, obviously

sexuality: Bisexual

nicknames: Honey Boo

Fave colours:lime green,red,black

hobbies:writing drawing, eating, tumblr twitter

occupation:annoying student

best friends on theotaku:amber

best friend: Key

crush: Every living Band Member

fave anime: Full Metal Alchemist and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood


seems like i'm always the second one people look at...i mean like when we talked to those sheperd kids? everyone talked to jazmine but then there was me...who one kid only talked to....but later i heard that he was only really interested in jazmin...

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can't get any better

wow things are so dark lately...i don't even know how to start fixing them...

Sweet Addiction

Your touch is comforting
Your taste is amusing
Your smell is relieving
You feed me a fantasy; I feed to you a soul
I can’t live without you, and you can’t live without me
You make everything better, but then…
Reality strikes back and takes me in
It eats at me, and I am left vulnerable,
But that moment that I smoke, taste so sweet
It fills my lungs and lifts my mind
I relax and look at everything differently
Life appears to be delicious
But then reality comes back
You leave me alone and I suffer
The suffering wont end, but neither will the high
You help me love, sing, and smile
But only for so long, my sweet, sweet addiction

Just Sparkle

Don’t be afraid; come out of the dark…
Don’t let them change you, you’re perfect
You’re strong, beautiful and brave
All you need to be is you,
Who cares what they think?
Who cares what they say?

You know that I love you,
You know that I’ll pick you up,
And you know that I’ll never disappear

All you have to do for me, is sparkle

random tale

the dead lives on, whether others know it or choose not to believe it. They may have no place among humans, but they live the same way. Ever wonder whats under the earth? deep, deep down?
its a place where the dead get along on this earth, where they kill,breath,thrive. the only differences is the smell. the smell of rotting flesh keeps them going until they can get out and feed on live flesh.

they are a cannibal people, but they dont care. they eat who they "love" and evn their "children" because food sources have become scarce. It was about to be the end for one dead being, but this scientist found a way to live among the people during the day to find another food source for his people...