TALK TO ME!!! >.<

I'm planning on sticking more stuff up here. Inspiration isn't really the problem, but what I need is like, well, c'mon people talk to me!!! Is this stuff a good idea or not? You're the fans here! (well, so am I....)
~Fan words
>You saw the beginning of Tears of an Angel. Basically it plays out that James has lung cancer and later dies, but in the second part Jessie finds his reincarnated angel. I'm sorry, I know that's lame, but I couldn't just sit there and watch him die!
~Fan art
>Cacnea as a girl. She has really cool hair!!
>Clefairy leprechaun fo St. Patty's day!
>Wolfish Pokemon in a circle howling at the moon.
>Meowth tribute. (how come nobody has one of those? Meowth is awesome!!) with "Make Me Bad - Korn" lyrics.
>A rocketshipping one that might sorta play on Vampire Knight. I'm sorry, I just think James looks so sexy as a vampire!! "Vampire Heart - Him" lyrics.
>this one won't have anything to do with Pokemon but I still think it's funny. "Hair" a comic on how life really is like with my ridiculously long hair.
I think thats it... please people!! I'm BEGGING for you to talk to me! Don't make me grovel!!
