Finfic Part 3: The Hands of The Clock

Kagome sat in her math class, staring at the clock. It's hands moved slower than ever before. This, was because when the clock read a certain time, she would see Inuyasha. When that certain bell rang, she ran home. Inuyasha was waiting for her.
After their awkward moment, (Read 50,000 Minutes) she at first didn't want to talk. But he grabbed her hands, and pulled her into a hug.
"I missed you." He whispered. He stood up, still holding her. He could feel her head on his shoulder. Then, he felt a new sensation he felt her body shaking. She was crying. He scooped her up into his arms, and rocked her back and forth.
"Why are you crying?" He asked.
"I... thought you...loved Kikyo. Why are you doing this for me?" All he could do was begin to cry himself. He sat on the ground, holding her in his lap.
"No one will ever make me forget Kikyo..." He began to cry harder. "But I think she died so that I could meet you. There is no one... no one but you."
Inuyasha looked down at Kagome. She had fallen asleep. He continued to rock her, and a lullabye constructed in his head.
"Don't cry my love.
I'm here now, I'm here.
No one can get you,
Nothing can hurt you,
I'm here, I'm here.
Your eyes shine like stars.
In the stars,
You and me,
Flying high,
For all to see.
I love you, I need you,
I'm here,I'm here."
He sang, until he fell asleep. The hands of the clock moved slowly, as the two slept.
